Hi all, I am working with a protein dimer-ligand structure (resolution: 2.8Å) and am going to make a figure showing the bound ligand superimposed with the electron density (Fo-Fc) map obtained after omit refinement. What I did is to make the ligand-free structure model and then use Phenix.refine using the following parameters plus simulated annealing (torsion angle) or (Cartesian): Default: XYZ coordinates + Real-space+ Individual B factors + Occupancies. Also click: Optimize X-ray/stereochemistry weight + Optimize X-ray/ADP weight + Secondary structure restraints + NCS. Contoured at 2σ, the Fo-Fc map generated show green density for most part of the ligand, but for several atoms in the middle of the ligand, the green density is missing... It's like this: some atoms have green density and the next few no green density and then a couple few has green density and then a couple more no green denisty.... The missing green density usually means that part is disordered in the structure, right? I am not sure why the density is missing for some atoms in the middle of the ligand. It would makes more sense if the missing green density is at the end of the ligand... Does anyone happen to have any clue about what it means for the green density missing in my case? Also, I am not sure whether I did the omit refinement right: (1). For simulated annealing, it has two options, one is Cartesian and the other is Torsion angle, and it's said that torsion angle is more suitable of low resolution data. Is there any difference about which one to choose in my case? (2). Is it Okay to run the omit refinement in the presence of the following parameters as I did: Optimize X-ray/stereochemistry weight + Optimize X-ray/ADP weight + Secondary structure restraints + NCS. Thank you so much! Best, Wei