Hi, Recently I got a crystal structure of a multiple-molecules protein complex. There are many protein subunits with the same fold. From the likelihood-weighted maps by Phenix, I can see two different subunits occupy the same position. (So I can put the model of either subunit in the same densities, but some loop regions and the C-terminal tail look different. ). I know Phenix can do occupancy refinement with a residue that has N alternative conformations. My question is can Phenix do occupancy refinement with alternative molecules? The RMSD for two subunits is about 1.3 angstrom. The sequence identity is about 30%. Thank you very much! Su-Chang Lin, Ph.D., Postdoc Associate Department of Biochemistry Weill Medical College, Cornell University Whitney Building, room W-212 1300 York Avenue, New York, NY 10021 212-746-6458