Hi Folks, On my macbook with lion and a source code build, I always set --compiler=gcc for cctbx and this works fine. Just tried a source code build of phenix which failed because it picked up clang, so how do I override this in the install script? I didn't see the option from the install script: Graemes-MacBook-Pro:phenix-installer-dev-1078 graeme$ ./install --help Usage: install [options] Options: --prefix=<path> Determines PHENIX installation path, which will be <path > /phenix-[version] --overwrite Forces overwriting of installed packages --nproc=number Number of processors to use in compilation --base-only Do not compile PHENIX sources (cctbx, phaser, resolve, etc.) --no-gui Do not compile and install GUI components --no-apps Don't create Mac app launcher icons --app-prefix=<path> Path for Mac app launchers (default: /Applications) --noopt Turn off optimization during compilation --debug Turn on debugging during compilation --openmp Try to use OpenMP if supported by compiler --force-compile Force compilation of source --binary Force a binary install if binaries and source are both available --source Force a source install if binaries and source are both available --no-packages Do not install other packages such as PHASER --alias-mtype=<string> Force installation from a different machine type e.g. --alias-mtype=intel-linux-2.4 [for binary installations only] --try-unsupported Try source installation on an unsupported platform --help Print this help message Thanks, Graeme