Not sure what's going on here - I will check it out today. There's
one more option however that should be the safest: did you try the
graphical installer yet? The destination can't be changed, but you
can still use the command line if you want by doing this:
source /Applications/PHENIX-1.8.2-1309/Contents/phenix-1.8.2-1309/phenix_env.sh
(or the csh equivalent)
But I will see if there's an explanation for these errors.
On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 4:26 AM, Alejandro Buschiazzo
I 'm trying to install phenix 1.8.2-1309 on a Macbook Pro (os x 10.7.5).
First tried the binary installer proposed (which is indicated for os x 10.6.7) It didn't work, ending with "fix_mac_python: caught error - exiting."
I spotted in the bb that this could've happened because the downloaded installer was somehow corrupted, tried downloading it again, but same result.
Tried then the source installer: everything OK - except for wxPython, giving this error
WXPYTHON: Using wxOSX_Cocoa build of wxPython 2.9 alpha version
building wxPython-src- ERROR: installation of wxosx_cocoa failed
ERROR: installation of wxpython failed
...now I can work with command lines, but the GUI won't work of course.
Your help is appreciated
-- Alejandro Buschiazzo, PhD Research Scientist Unit of Protein Crystallography Institut Pasteur de Montevideo Mataojo 2020 Montevideo 11400 URUGUAY Phone: +598 25220910 int. 120 Fax: +598 25224185 http://www.pasteur.edu.uy/pxf
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