Dear all, I am using mr_rosetta to run prerefinement of various starting models that all have pretty low sequence homology to my protein of interest (~15%). I ran it using the simple script from the manual: phenix.mr_rosetta \ seq_file=seq.dat \ search_models=coords1.pdb \ run_prerefine=True \ number_of_prerefine_models=1000 Its working fairly well, but obviously taking a long time to make 1000 models. Is there a log or score file somewhere that lists all of the rosetta scores as it is running? Right now all the pdb files in each different run have the format S_"original model name"__0001.pdb no matter what run it resulted from. Is there a way to make it unique for example with the actual run number in place of 0001? This makes it difficult to compare files in pymol. Thanks, Heather Condurso UF-Department of Chemistry [email protected]