Hi everyone, While I am trying to deposit, I am faced with several things that I am not sure: FYI. I am in the <Refinement Statistics> section (Auto Dep Input Tool) in the PDB bank. Most values are came from pdb file that was made from phenix.refine but it asks me "R-factor (all)" that satisfy the limits established by high & low resolution cut off and "number of unique reflections (all)". My simple question is if phenix has those kind of information, if so where I can find them. Another question is if I changed water (deletion or changed occupancy) based on 'precheck', should I run phenix.refine again to get R/Rfree values in correct? I am not sure if these are captured by PDB automatically or not. (seemingly they do like that at this point but not 100% sure yet.) With many thanks~ Young-Jin