Hi Fengyun, Some things to try: 1. Are your data twinned (look at intensity moments in xtriage output)? 2. Try space groups P3121 (and P3221 and P321) in addition to P3. 3. Take your best MR solution (or any MR solutions) and calculate phases. Use those phases as input phases to autosol and it will try to find sites using those phases. If you then get back a map that has correlation with these phases (use get_cc_mtz_mtz to check) then you probably have a solution (autosol will only use those input phases to find the sites, not in phasing). 4. Try each of your datasets separately as SAD datasets. You can use MR SAD in autosol (similar to #2 above but using phaser to calculate phases). All the best, Tom T On Aug 25, 2014, at 10:07 PM, Ni, Fengyun wrote:
Hi everyone,
I am working on a MIR dataset: one native data, three EMTS soaked data at different concentration, one PbAc2 data. My initial trial with phenix autosol did not give positive solutions. I hope I could get some information from all of you.
I index and integrate the data in Mosflm and possible group is P3, though the Pointless said the most possible is P3121. But for now, I only tried P3 at different resolutions for the reason that a potential MR solution (below 20% identities, TFZ=7.1) was found in P31 space group. If P3121 is the real space group, the space is too crowed to fit my molecules unless they have some unexpected symmetry.
For the difference among dataset in P3 space group, the output from SCALEIT of CCP4 gives as follows,
RMS differences|RMSiso RMSano ---------------------------------------- FP-hg |172.30 22.50 FP-hg2 |159.20 24.07 FP-hg3 |85.08 27.92 FP-pb |31.15 24.55
The native data's resolution cutoff is 3.2 A, and 3.2/3.8/3.5 for different EMTS data, 3.5 for Pb data.I did notice some radiation damage for EMTS (Hg) data (large negative B-factors in SCALA), but not for Pb data. And the anomalous signal only extend to 5.6 and 4.5 A for EMTS and Pb data, respectively, as indicated by phenix.xtriage. These are all the possible heavy atom data we could obtain. So i tried all of them in phenix.autosol. The input is like follows,
autosol { seq_file = ../seq.dat crystal_info { solvent_fraction = 0.62 #determined from matthews coefficient to assure "reasonable" content in asymmetric unit. } native { data = nat.mtz } deriv { data = hg1.mtz atom_type = Hg inano = noinano *inano anoonly lambda = 1.00394 } deriv { data = hg2.mtz atom_type = Hg inano = noinano *inano anoonly lambda = 1.00394 } deriv { data = hg3.mtz atom_type = Hg inano = noinano *inano anoonly lambda = 1.00394 } deriv { data = pb.mtz atom_type = Pb inano = noinano *inano anoonly lambda = 0.94640 } model_building { build = False #my structure is DNA/protein complex, so i choose to stop the building process. } }
I tried at different resolutions, 3.6/4.0/4.4/4.8/5.2/5.6/6.0 A. One solution was given based on Pb data at 4.8 A with following statistics,
Solution # 6 BAYES-CC: 59.7 +/- 17.2 (2SD) Dataset #4 FOM: 0.24 Score type: SKEW CORR_RMS NCS_OVERLAP Raw scores: 0.31 0.69 0.00 100x EST OF CC: 59.74 17.55 31.25
Refined heavy atom sites (fractional): X Y Z xyz 0.033 0.020 0.538 xyz 0.417 0.217 0.113 xyz 0.041 0.010 0.721
The statistics is almost the same for its inverse, and i read from the output that the statistics for phasing other Hg datasets are very low (BAYES-CC is lower than 20) based on the above solution. The resulting map does not make much sense yet.
Sorry for the long post. Any suggestion is welcome. Thank you very much! Fengyun _______________________________________________ phenixbb mailing list [email protected] http://phenix-online.org/mailman/listinfo/phenixbb