Hi! I have a challenging MR problem and maybe phenix.phaser gyre and gimble will help. My molecule is flexible horsehoe shaped slinky, there are multiples in the unit cell (maybe 8-12??). My data is medium resolution 3.5 maybe. There are good homology models (also flexible!) It seems to have 1-2 hinge points (or 2-3 domains). I saw your publication "Gyre and gimble: a maximum-likelihood replacement for Patterson correlation refinement" Acta Cryst. (2018). D74, 279–289 and that describes exactly what I would like to do. One problem, I cannot at all figure out how to use gyre in gimble in phenix. I cannot find it in the GUI, and am unclear how to run it as a script. It looks super useful and would love to use it. Any help, a script, etc would be most appreciated! Thanks! Gretchen