Hi, I'm trying to get a grip on what seems to be a multitude of options for running Phenix in multiprocessor/parallel mode. Some of the options/keywords are obvious and easy to find in documentation but other elude me and the posts on the phenixbb make the whole issue even more complicated. So, here is my humble request: Dear Phenix Developers could you please prepare a short summary containing the info concerning running Phenix in multiprocessor/parallel environment for both stable and self compiled developer versions? Even a table with required keywords per program would be a great help... Best regards, Andrzej Lyskowski -- Dr. Andrzej Lyskowski (andrzej[.]lyskowski[@]acib[.]at) ACIB Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology GmbH Petersgasse 14, A-8010 Graz, Austria http://acib.at/ c/o IMB Institute of Molecular Biosciences, University of Graz Humboldtstraße 50,III/194, A-8010 Graz, Austria http://strubi.uni-graz.at/ +43 316 380 1993 tel +43 316 380 9897 fax