mmtbx source tree moved to SourceForge CVS

Today we've finally moved the mmtbx source tree from our private CVS server ( to SourceForge. **** Old working copies checked out from are no longer valid and should be removed. **** To check out a new working copy from SourceForge: Developer access: cvs [email protected]:/cvsroot/cctbx co -P mmtbx replace "user" with your SourceForge user name. Anonymous access: cvs -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/cctbx co -P mmtbx It may take a few hours before the anonymous access is available and before the mmtbx tree is visible in the viewcvs web interface. For the records: we were hesitant to move more source trees to SourceForge because the CVS server was often heavily overloaded; a cvs update could take a significant amount of time. However, a recent hardware upgrade at SourceForge has improved performance dramatically. Performance has been very good for a couple of months. Therefore we feel it is a good opportunity to finally move the mmtbx sources to the proper place. This way, browsing the tree via viewcvs is available to everybody, and the automatic archiving of cvs activities (via email) should now work reliably for all developers. Cheers, Ralf __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
participants (1)
Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve