Sadly this also does not fix anything :o( not sure why this was not flagged when I configured chem_data...
libtbx.python "/Users/graeme/svn/cctbx/modules/cctbx_project/cctbx/regression/" [FAIL]
Time: 6.44
Return code: 1
OKs: 0
Standard error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/graeme/svn/cctbx/modules/cctbx_project/cctbx/regression/", line 866, in <module>
File "/Users/graeme/svn/cctbx/modules/cctbx_project/cctbx/regression/", line 862, in exercise_all
File "/Users/graeme/svn/cctbx/modules/cctbx_project/cctbx/regression/", line 818, in exercise_na_restraints_output_to_geo
File "/Users/graeme/svn/cctbx/modules/cctbx_project/mmtbx/monomer_library/", line 5274, in run
File "/Users/graeme/svn/cctbx/modules/cctbx_project/mmtbx/monomer_library/", line 4952, in geometry_restraints_manager
File "/Users/graeme/svn/cctbx/modules/cctbx_project/mmtbx/secondary_structure/", line 280, in initialize
File "/Users/graeme/svn/cctbx/modules/cctbx_project/mmtbx/secondary_structure/", line 313, in find_automatically
self.sec_str_from_pdb_file = self.find_sec_str(log=log)
File "/Users/graeme/svn/cctbx/modules/cctbx_project/mmtbx/secondary_structure/", line 369, in find_sec_str
(records, stderr) = run_ksdssp_direct(pdb_str)
File "/Users/graeme/svn/cctbx/modules/cctbx_project/mmtbx/secondary_structure/", line 728, in run_ksdssp_direct
exe_path = get_ksdssp_exe_path()
File "/Users/graeme/svn/cctbx/modules/cctbx_project/mmtbx/secondary_structure/", line 709, in get_ksdssp_exe_path
raise RuntimeError("ksdssp module is not configured")
RuntimeError: ksdssp module is not configured
On 8 Apr 2015, at 11:02, mailto:[email protected]> mailto:[email protected]> wrote:
$ du -h --max-depth=0 chem_data
1.6G chem_data
Not sure we really want to include this in the dials builds, just to make one test happy, especially when we have no use for any of the monomer library functionality in dials.
From: Graeme Winter [[email protected]mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 08 April 2015 10:58
To: Gildea, Richard (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI); Gerstel, Markus (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI); [email protected]mailto:[email protected]; [email protected]mailto:[email protected]
Cc: [email protected]mailto:[email protected]
Subject: Re: [Dials-support] [cctbxbb] DIALS source tarball
can we add this to the dials build through some kind of tarball download which does not need a cci account?
Thanks graeme
On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 10:52 AM mailto:[email protected]mailto:[email protected]> wrote:
Hi Markus,
I agree that it would be better if the tests would either work gracefully with CCP4 monomer library, or (possibly better?) only run if chem_data is available. In the latter case, a simple libtbx.env.has_module("chem_data") could be used in the test to check whether chem_data is available.
As a workaround, we developers should be able to add the chem_data repository to our sources after which the tests should pick up the correct version of the monomer library:
$ svn co svn+ssh://[email protected]/chem_data/trunkhttp://[email protected]/chem_data/trunk chem_data
$ libtbx.configure chem_data
From: Gerstel, Markus (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI)
Sent: 08 April 2015 09:33
To: Gildea, Richard (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI); [email protected]mailto:[email protected]mailto:[email protected]; [email protected]mailto:[email protected]mailto:[email protected]
Cc: [email protected]mailto:[email protected]mailto:[email protected]
Subject: RE: [Dials-support] [cctbxbb] DIALS source tarball
Hi Richard,
I think you've found it. I have unset CLIBD_MON, and now the test skips cleanly. Of course this also means that users should not run cctbx tests on their machines...
Is there no central 'mmtbx_skip_test_if_chem_data_db_missing' function, that just goes 'prints "Skip this test"; exit' if the library isn't present?
Or a boolean _is_available() function if you prefer. Either would resolve this problem as well as the current untestability of mmtbx.
-----Original Message-----
From: Gildea, Richard (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI)
Sent: 08 April 2015 09:15
To: Gerstel, Markus (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI); [email protected]mailto:[email protected]mailto:[email protected]; [email protected]mailto:[email protected]mailto:[email protected]
Cc: [email protected]mailto:[email protected]mailto:[email protected]
Subject: RE: [Dials-support] [cctbxbb] DIALS source tarball
Hi Markus,
Presumably the test is looking for a monomer that is present in chem_data but not in the ccp4 monomer library? Could we unset the CLIBD_MON variable for the purposes of testing the dials installers?
From: Gerstel, Markus (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI)
Sent: 08 April 2015 09:07
To: Gildea, Richard (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI); [email protected]mailto:[email protected]mailto:[email protected]; [email protected]mailto:[email protected]mailto:[email protected]
Cc: [email protected]mailto:[email protected]mailto:[email protected]
Subject: RE: [Dials-support] [cctbxbb] DIALS source tarball
Hi Richard, Aaron,
This is correct, we do not currently run mmtbx tests at all, as up to 107 of them do not fail gracefully, ie. skip properly.
The test in question works fine (ie: is skipped because CCP4 is not made available) on our cctbx test system, but breaks in our final dials installer tests (where CCP4 is made available). CLIBD_MON is set to the /lib/data/monomers folder in the shared DLS CCP4 6.5 update 1 installation.
Best wishes,
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]mailto:[email protected]mailto:[email protected] [mailto:[email protected]mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 07 April 2015 21:36
To: [email protected]mailto:[email protected]mailto:[email protected]; [email protected]mailto:[email protected]mailto:[email protected]
Cc: [email protected]mailto:[email protected]mailto:[email protected]
Subject: Re: [Dials-support] [cctbxbb] DIALS source tarball
Hi Aaron,
I'm not sure your fix as I understand it actually helps. The test that was failing was in the cctbx module, not mmtbx, and as far as I am aware we are running libtbx.run_tests_parallel module=cctbx module=dxtbx etc in our nightly builds (and that is what we as developers are running locally on our own development machines). If individual tests (particularly those in the more general modules such as cctbx, iotbx, etc.) rely on external dependencies (such as chem_data) being available, then the individual tests should test for presence of said dependencies and skip gracefully if not available. I have a feeling that we're not even including mmtbx in our nightly build tests (too many fail due to missing dependencies such as chem_data).
From: Aaron Brewster [[email protected]mailto:[email protected]mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 07 April 2015 20:29
To: cctbx mailing list
Cc: Waterman, David (STFC,RAL,SC); Gildea, Richard (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI); Johan Hattne; mailto:[email protected]mailto:[email protected]>
Subject: Re: [cctbxbb] [Dials-support] DIALS source tarball
Hi Markus, two points.
First, you are correct that the dials builds are not passing tests related to the chem_data folder which includes monomer libraries. This is because chem_data is required by mmtbx but isn't included in the dials build. Partly because we're unsure if pieces of it are proprietary. In the meantime, I've worked with Nigel to change the cctbx_regression.test_nightly to look for the chem_data repository and skip the mmtbx tests if it's not present. mmtbx will still be tested nightly as part of the standalone cctbx and phenix packages. Because of this change, perhaps you could revert your recent changes to cctbx/regression/ It isn't necessary to check for chem_data in every sub test as it is tested for at the top level now.
Second, the log you provided is not the one on buildbot. Your log indicates you have a CCP4 installation that includes a monomer library that is being picked up by the tests. Is one of the MMTBX_CCP4_MONOMER_LIB, or CLIBD_MON environment variables set on the system in question?
On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 6:41 AM, mailto:[email protected]mailto:[email protected]mailto:[email protected]>> wrote:
Cc'ing cctbx folks
David Waterman wrote:
So maybe once we have a source tarball up at (..)
Speaking of which: our DIALS builds are currently failing at the installer testing stage. This is due to cctbx/regression/ failing deep in mmtbx territory.
So far I could not figure out how to get this running properly.
Standard Output
Skipping exercise_with_zeolite(): input file not available Skipping exercise_with_pdb(): chem_data directory not available
Standard Error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/scratch/jenkins_slave/workspace/dials_test_installer/dials-dev/modules/cctbx_project/cctbx/regression/", line 866, in <module>
File "/scratch/jenkins_slave/workspace/dials_test_installer/dials-dev/modules/cctbx_project/cctbx/regression/", line 862, in exercise_all
File "/scratch/jenkins_slave/workspace/dials_test_installer/dials-dev/modules/cctbx_project/cctbx/regression/", line 805, in exercise_na_restraints_output_to_geo
File "/scratch/jenkins_slave/workspace/dials_test_installer/dials-dev/modules/cctbx_project/mmtbx/monomer_library/", line 5270, in run
File "/scratch/jenkins_slave/workspace/dials_test_installer/dials-dev/modules/cctbx_project/mmtbx/monomer_library/", line 4876, in __init__
File "/scratch/jenkins_slave/workspace/dials_test_installer/dials-dev/modules/cctbx_project/mmtbx/monomer_library/", line 2902, in __init__
File "/scratch/jenkins_slave/workspace/dials_test_installer/dials-dev/modules/cctbx_project/mmtbx/monomer_library/", line 2287, in __init__
File "/scratch/jenkins_slave/workspace/dials_test_installer/dials-dev/modules/cctbx_project/mmtbx/monomer_library/", line 1513, in get_lib_link
return mon_lib_srv.link_link_id_dict["rna3p"]
KeyError: 'rna3p'
(On a side note: We really should call multiple tests within the same python file separately, instead of running them together within a signle run() method. This file contains 4 tests, but these will result in only a single return value for any upstream processing of the test results, such as Jenkins.)
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