Generate atom data from cctbx

Dear Sirs, I have installed "cctbx" in my Linux box and ran the examples,e.g. the beach in the box and the Cr2O3 case demonstrated in the mailing list, successfully. I'd like to apply cctbx as a generator of the crystallographic data. Based on the ICSD database, I can obtain a crystal structure of a mineral. Would it be possible to print out all atom positions in a unit cell or a supercell using cctbx? Thank you very much. Sincerely, Jen-Chang "James" Chen

Hi James,
--- Jen-Chang Chen
I'd like to apply cctbx as a generator of the crystallographic data. Based on the ICSD database, I can obtain a crystal structure of a mineral. Would it be possible to print out all atom positions in a unit cell or a supercell using cctbx?
The Cr2O3 example is included in the cctbx/cctbx/examples directory: Simply add this line to print out all atom positions in a unit cell: icsd_structure.expand_to_p1().show_summary().show_scatterers() For the supercell you have to figure out the change-of-basis matrix, then use the .change_basis() method of the xray.structure object. E.g. to double the length of the c-axis, add this at the end of the example script: from cctbx import sgtbx cb_op = sgtbx.change_of_basis_op("x,y,z*0.5") super_structure = icsd_structure.change_basis(cb_op=cb_op) super_structure.show_summary().show_scatterers() print Cheers, Ralf __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
participants (2)
Jen-Chang Chen
Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve