Hello everyone, As Aaron requested - here is an update regarding the move to GitHub. At this time if you want to commit code: *keep committing to Sourceforge*. Do not worry about leaving uncommitted changes in your SVN tree. Those can be migrated later. The Sourceforge cctbx repository history has now been migrated to GitHub. The repository lives at https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx. Please do not commit to this repository yet! Over the next few days the bootstrap script will be modified alongside the build servers to point to the GitHub repository. This means there will only be limited testing, and the produced builds will lag behind the development effort. To be listed as a developer on https://github.com/cctbx you need to set your visibility to public at https://github.com/orgs/cctbx/people<%20https:/github.com/orgs/cctbx/people>. You can also view some fancy graphs about the cctbx project history at https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx/graphs/contributors<%20https:/github.com/cctbx/cctbx/graphs/contributors> If you haven't done it before, now is a good time to set up your local installation of git to use your name and mail address with git config --global user.name "John Doe" git config --global user.email [email protected]mailto:[email protected] as well as this setting to avoid merge commits: git config --global pull.rebase true Note that you must set these on every computer you use! You may want to keep a copy of those commands around in case you ever get a new computer. You should use mail addresses registered with your github account, or - if you enable it in your github account - the anonymous address offered by github. You may want to use the time to sort out your ssh access keys with your GitHub account, and play around with git a bit. You can test that everything works using the temporary sandbox repository of cctbx. Here are some commands to get you started: git clone [email protected]:cctbx/cctbx-playground.git cd cctbx-playground echo some text >> some-file git add some-file git commit -m "some commit" git push git log Then go to https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx-playground/commits/master to see how other people will see your commits. The next steps: *Tuesday 8th November 2016, 11:59pm Pacific Time* *= Wednesday 9th November 2016, 07:59am GMT:* Sourceforge: Committing allowed. GitHub: Checkout/Cloning allowed, *Read-only*. We will update our build servers and the bootstrap script to refer to the git repositories. All commits still run into Sourceforge, and will be copied over to GitHub automatically every couple of hours. Since the build servers will only see code on GitHub, testing and deployment will be limited during this period. *Tuesday 22nd November 2016, 11:59pm Pacific Time* *= Wednesday 23rd November 2016, 07:59am GMT:* Sourceforge: *Read-only*. GitHub: Committing allowed We should have achieved a stable build on both Jenkins and Buildbot by this time. Change any website pointers from SF to GitHub. Instructions to migrate local developer repositories will be sent around. All future commits should go to GitHub only. Remaining commits on Sourceforge will be migrated to GitHub. -Markus Dr Markus Gerstel MBCS Postdoctoral Research Associate Tel: +44 1235 778698 Diamond Light Source Ltd. Diamond House Harwell Science & Innovation Campus Didcot Oxfordshire OX11 0DE -- This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential, copyright and or privileged material, and are for the use of the intended addressee only. If you are not the intended addressee or an authorised recipient of the addressee please notify us of receipt by returning the e-mail and do not use, copy, retain, distribute or disclose the information in or attached to the e-mail. Any opinions expressed within this e-mail are those of the individual and not necessarily of Diamond Light Source Ltd. Diamond Light Source Ltd. cannot guarantee that this e-mail or any attachments are free from viruses and we cannot accept liability for any damage which you may sustain as a result of software viruses which may be transmitted in or with the message. Diamond Light Source Limited (company no. 4375679). Registered in England and Wales with its registered office at Diamond House, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0DE, United Kingdom

Hi everyone,
The bootstrap.py script has been updated to pull sources from GitHub. As a
consequence, your svn copy of cctbx_project will not be automatically
updated by bootstrap.py.
To manually update your cctbx_project directory (since you should still be
committing changes with svn), please run
svn update
while in the cctbx_project directory.
Billy K. Poon
Research Scientist, Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1 Cyclotron Road, M/S 33R0345
Berkeley, CA 94720
Tel: (510) 486-5709
Fax: (510) 486-5909
Web: https://phenix-online.org
On Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 10:24 AM,
Hello everyone,
As Aaron requested – here is an update regarding the move to GitHub.
At this time if you want to commit code: **keep committing to Sourceforge**.
Do not worry about leaving uncommitted changes in your SVN tree. Those can be migrated later.
The Sourceforge cctbx repository history has now been migrated to GitHub. The repository lives at https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx. Please do not commit to this repository yet!
Over the next few days the bootstrap script will be modified alongside the build servers to point to the GitHub repository. This means there will only be limited testing, and the produced builds will lag behind the development effort.
To be listed as a developer on https://github.com/cctbx you need to set your visibility to public at https://github.com/orgs/cctbx/people.
You can also view some fancy graphs about the cctbx project history at https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx/graphs/contributors
If you haven’t done it before, now is a good time to set up your local installation of git to use your name and mail address with
git config --global user.name "John Doe"
git config --global user.email [email protected]
as well as this setting to avoid merge commits:
git config --global pull.rebase true
Note that you must set these on every computer you use! You may want to keep a copy of those commands around in case you ever get a new computer.
You should use mail addresses registered with your github account, or – if you enable it in your github account – the anonymous address offered by github.
You may want to use the time to sort out your ssh access keys with your GitHub account, and play around with git a bit. You can test that everything works using the temporary sandbox repository of cctbx. Here are some commands to get you started:
git clone [email protected]:cctbx/cctbx-playground.git
cd cctbx-playground
echo some text >> some-file
git add some-file
git commit –m "some commit"
git push
git log
Then go to https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx-playground/commits/master to see how other people will see your commits.
The next steps:
**Tuesday 8th November 2016, 11:59pm Pacific Time**
**= Wednesday 9th November 2016, 07:59am GMT:**
Sourceforge: Committing allowed. GitHub: Checkout/Cloning allowed, **Read-only**.
We will update our build servers and the bootstrap script to refer to the git repositories.
All commits still run into Sourceforge, and will be copied over to GitHub automatically
every couple of hours. Since the build servers will only see code on GitHub,
testing and deployment will be limited during this period.
**Tuesday 22nd November 2016, 11:59pm Pacific Time**
**= Wednesday 23rd November 2016, 07:59am GMT:**
Sourceforge: **Read-only**. GitHub: Committing allowed
We should have achieved a stable build on both Jenkins and Buildbot by this time.
Change any website pointers from SF to GitHub.
Instructions to migrate local developer repositories will be sent around.
All future commits should go to GitHub only.
Remaining commits on Sourceforge will be migrated to GitHub.
Dr Markus Gerstel MBCS
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Tel: +44 1235 778698
Diamond Light Source Ltd.
Diamond House
Harwell Science & Innovation Campus
OX11 0DE
This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential, copyright and or privileged material, and are for the use of the intended addressee only. If you are not the intended addressee or an authorised recipient of the addressee please notify us of receipt by returning the e-mail and do not use, copy, retain, distribute or disclose the information in or attached to the e-mail. Any opinions expressed within this e-mail are those of the individual and not necessarily of Diamond Light Source Ltd. Diamond Light Source Ltd. cannot guarantee that this e-mail or any attachments are free from viruses and we cannot accept liability for any damage which you may sustain as a result of software viruses which may be transmitted in or with the message. Diamond Light Source Limited (company no. 4375679). Registered in England and Wales with its registered office at Diamond House, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0DE, United Kingdom
_______________________________________________ cctbxbb mailing list [email protected] http://phenix-online.org/mailman/listinfo/cctbxbb

Hello everyone, Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow morning (Europe and UK), tonight (US) we will complete the migration of the cctbx source repository to git. At this time if you want to commit code: *keep committing to Sourceforge*. Do not worry about leaving uncommitted changes in your SVN tree. Those can be migrated later, instructions for this will follow after the move. The new cctbx repository lives at https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx_project, however please do not commit to this repository yet! We have set up a mailing list at https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A0=CCTBX-COMMIT, where you can get commit notifications and test results. If you haven't done it before, now is a good time to set up your local installation of git to use your name and mail address with git config --global user.name "John Doe" git config --global user.email [email protected]mailto:[email protected] as well as this setting to avoid merge commits: git config --global pull.rebase true Note that you must set these on every computer you use! You may want to keep a copy of those commands around in case you ever get a new computer. You should use mail addresses registered with your github account, or - if you enable it in your github account - the anonymous address offered by github. You may want to use the time to sort out your ssh access keys with your GitHub account, and play around with git a bit. You can test that everything works using the temporary sandbox repository of cctbx. Here are some commands to get you started: git clone [email protected]:cctbx/cctbx-playground.git mailto:[email protected]:cctbx/cctbx-playground.git%20 cd cctbx-playground echo some text >> some-file git add some-file git commit -m "some commit" git push git log Then go to https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx-playground/commits/master to see how other people will see your commits. The next steps: *Tuesday 22nd November 2016, 11:59pm Pacific Time* *= Wednesday 23rd November 2016, 07:59am GMT:* Sourceforge: *Read-only*. GitHub: Committing allowed Please do not commit to Sourceforge any more. All future commits should go to GitHub only. Instructions to migrate local developer repositories will be sent around. Change any website pointers from SF to GitHub. Remaining commits on Sourceforge will be migrated to GitHub. -Markus Dr Markus Gerstel MBCS Postdoctoral Research Associate Tel: +44 1235 778698 Diamond Light Source Ltd. Diamond House Harwell Science & Innovation Campus Didcot Oxfordshire OX11 0DE -- This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential, copyright and or privileged material, and are for the use of the intended addressee only. If you are not the intended addressee or an authorised recipient of the addressee please notify us of receipt by returning the e-mail and do not use, copy, retain, distribute or disclose the information in or attached to the e-mail. Any opinions expressed within this e-mail are those of the individual and not necessarily of Diamond Light Source Ltd. Diamond Light Source Ltd. cannot guarantee that this e-mail or any attachments are free from viruses and we cannot accept liability for any damage which you may sustain as a result of software viruses which may be transmitted in or with the message. Diamond Light Source Limited (company no. 4375679). Registered in England and Wales with its registered office at Diamond House, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0DE, United Kingdom

Hello everyone,
The Sourceforge CCTBX repository history has now been migrated to GitHub, and all further commits should go there.
Please do not commit to Sourceforge anymore!
To convert your local CCTBX repository from SVN to git you can use these commands, which should retain any local, uncommitted changes and unversioned files:
cd modules # or the directory directly above your checked out copy
mv cctbx_project cctbx_project.svn
git clone [email protected]:cctbx/cctbx_project.gitmailto:[email protected]:cctbx/cctbx_project.git
# If you have not set up SSH keys with your Github account you can alternatively use
# git clone https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx_project.git
# but then would have to enter your credentials with every commit
cd cctbx_project.svn
svn diff > ../cctbx-patches
[ "$(uname)" != "Darwin" ] && svn status | grep "^\?" | cut -c 9- | xargs -I {} cp --parents -av {} ../cctbx_project
# This will copy over any unversioned files. This will unfortunately not work on macs.
cd ../cctbx_project
patch -p0 < ../cctbx-patches
git status
If you haven't done it before, now is a good time to set up your local installation (see my last email for more about this)
git config --global user.name "John Doe"
git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
git config --global pull.rebase true
To get commit notifications and test results you can subscribe to a separate mailing list at https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A0=CCTBX-COMMIT
Happy coding.
From: Gerstel, Markus (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI)
Sent: 22 November 2016 15:29
To: '[email protected]'

Great work Markus, Just a quick question. I suppose we can push our own branches on to the github repo besides commits to the master branch, Right? Rob On 23/11/2016 08:48, [email protected] wrote:
Hello everyone,
The Sourceforge CCTBX repository history has now been migrated to GitHub, and all further commits should go there.
Please do NOT commit to Sourceforge anymore!
To convert your local CCTBX repository from SVN to git you can use these commands, which should retain any local, uncommitted changes and unversioned files:
cd modules # or the directory directly above your checked out copy
mv cctbx_project cctbx_project.svn
git clone [email protected]:cctbx/cctbx_project.git
# If you have not set up SSH keys with your Github account you can alternatively use
# git clone https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx_project.git [1]
# but then would have to enter your credentials with every commit
cd cctbx_project.svn
svn diff > ../cctbx-patches
[ "$(uname)" != "Darwin" ] && svn status | grep "^?" | cut -c 9- | xargs -I {} cp --parents -av {} ../cctbx_project
# This will copy over any unversioned files. This will unfortunately not work on macs.
cd ../cctbx_project
patch -p0 < ../cctbx-patches
git status
If you haven't done it before, now is a good time to set up your local installation (see my last email for more about this)
git config --global user.name "John Doe"
git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
git config --global pull.rebase true
To get commit notifications and test results you can subscribe to a separate mailing list at https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A0=CCTBX-COMMIT [2]
Happy coding.
FROM: Gerstel, Markus (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI) SENT: 22 November 2016 15:29 TO: '[email protected]'
SUBJECT: RE: Moving cctbx to git Hello everyone,
Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow morning (Europe and UK), tonight (US) we will complete the migration of the cctbx source repository to git.
At this time if you want to commit code: *KEEP COMMITTING TO SOURCEFORGE*.
Do not worry about leaving uncommitted changes in your SVN tree. Those can be migrated later, instructions for this will follow after the move.
The new cctbx repository lives at https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx_project [3], however please do not commit to this repository yet!
We have set up a mailing list at https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A0=CCTBX-COMMIT [2], where you can get commit notifications and test results.
If you haven't done it before, now is a good time to set up your local installation of git to use your name and mail address with
git config --global user.name "John Doe"
git config --global user.email [email protected]
as well as this setting to avoid merge commits:
git config --global pull.rebase true
Note that you must set these on every computer you use! You may want to keep a copy of those commands around in case you ever get a new computer.
You should use mail addresses registered with your github account, or - if you enable it in your github account - the anonymous address offered by github.
You may want to use the time to sort out your ssh access keys with your GitHub account, and play around with git a bit. You can test that everything works using the temporary sandbox repository of cctbx. Here are some commands to get you started:
git clone [email protected]:cctbx/cctbx-playground.git
cd cctbx-playground
echo some text >> some-file
git add some-file
git commit -m "some commit"
git push
git log
Then go to https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx-playground/commits/master [4] to see how other people will see your commits.
The next steps:
Sourceforge: *READ-ONLY*. GitHub: Committing allowed
Please do not commit to Sourceforge any more.
All future commits should go to GitHub only.
Instructions to migrate local developer repositories will be sent around.
Change any website pointers from SF to GitHub.
Remaining commits on Sourceforge will be migrated to GitHub.
Dr Markus Gerstel MBCS
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Tel: +44 1235 778698
Diamond Light Source Ltd.
Diamond House
Harwell Science & Innovation Campus
OX11 0DE
This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential, copyright and or privileged material, and are for the use of the intended addressee only. If you are not the intended addressee or an authorised recipient of the addressee please notify us of receipt by returning the e-mail and do not use, copy, retain, distribute or disclose the information in or attached to the e-mail. Any opinions expressed within this e-mail are those of the individual and not necessarily of Diamond Light Source Ltd. Diamond Light Source Ltd. cannot guarantee that this e-mail or any attachments are free from viruses and we cannot accept liability for any damage which you may sustain as a result of software viruses which may be transmitted in or with the message. Diamond Light Source Limited (company no. 4375679). Registered in England and Wales with its registered office at Diamond House, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0DE, United Kingdom
Links: ------ [1] https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx_project.git [2] https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A0=CCTBX-COMMIT [3] https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx_project [4] https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx-playground/commits/master
_______________________________________________ cctbxbb mailing list [email protected] http://phenix-online.org/mailman/listinfo/cctbxbb

Hi Rob,
Yes, absolutely.
The only action explicitly disabled is force-pushing to master, everything else works the same like any other project.
-----Original Message-----
From: R.D. Oeffner [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 23 November 2016 12:48
To: cctbx mailing list
Hello everyone,
The Sourceforge CCTBX repository history has now been migrated to GitHub, and all further commits should go there.
Please do NOT commit to Sourceforge anymore!
To convert your local CCTBX repository from SVN to git you can use these commands, which should retain any local, uncommitted changes and unversioned files:
cd modules # or the directory directly above your checked out copy
mv cctbx_project cctbx_project.svn
git clone [email protected]:cctbx/cctbx_project.git
# If you have not set up SSH keys with your Github account you can alternatively use
# git clone https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx_project.git [1]
# but then would have to enter your credentials with every commit
cd cctbx_project.svn
svn diff > ../cctbx-patches
[ "$(uname)" != "Darwin" ] && svn status | grep "^?" | cut -c 9- | xargs -I {} cp --parents -av {} ../cctbx_project
# This will copy over any unversioned files. This will unfortunately not work on macs.
cd ../cctbx_project
patch -p0 < ../cctbx-patches
git status
If you haven't done it before, now is a good time to set up your local installation (see my last email for more about this)
git config --global user.name "John Doe"
git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
git config --global pull.rebase true
To get commit notifications and test results you can subscribe to a separate mailing list at https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A0=CCTBX-COMMIT [2]
Happy coding.
FROM: Gerstel, Markus (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI) SENT: 22 November 2016 15:29 TO: '[email protected]'
SUBJECT: RE: Moving cctbx to git Hello everyone,
Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow morning (Europe and UK), tonight (US) we will complete the migration of the cctbx source repository to git.
At this time if you want to commit code: *KEEP COMMITTING TO SOURCEFORGE*.
Do not worry about leaving uncommitted changes in your SVN tree. Those can be migrated later, instructions for this will follow after the move.
The new cctbx repository lives at https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx_project [3], however please do not commit to this repository yet!
We have set up a mailing list at https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A0=CCTBX-COMMIT [2], where you can get commit notifications and test results.
If you haven't done it before, now is a good time to set up your local installation of git to use your name and mail address with
git config --global user.name "John Doe"
git config --global user.email [email protected]
as well as this setting to avoid merge commits:
git config --global pull.rebase true
Note that you must set these on every computer you use! You may want to keep a copy of those commands around in case you ever get a new computer.
You should use mail addresses registered with your github account, or - if you enable it in your github account - the anonymous address offered by github.
You may want to use the time to sort out your ssh access keys with your GitHub account, and play around with git a bit. You can test that everything works using the temporary sandbox repository of cctbx. Here are some commands to get you started:
git clone [email protected]:cctbx/cctbx-playground.git
cd cctbx-playground
echo some text >> some-file
git add some-file
git commit -m "some commit"
git push
git log
Then go to https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx-playground/commits/master [4] to see how other people will see your commits.
The next steps:
Sourceforge: *READ-ONLY*. GitHub: Committing allowed
Please do not commit to Sourceforge any more.
All future commits should go to GitHub only.
Instructions to migrate local developer repositories will be sent around.
Change any website pointers from SF to GitHub.
Remaining commits on Sourceforge will be migrated to GitHub.
Dr Markus Gerstel MBCS
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Tel: +44 1235 778698
Diamond Light Source Ltd.
Diamond House
Harwell Science & Innovation Campus
OX11 0DE
This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential, copyright and or privileged material, and are for the use of the intended addressee only. If you are not the intended addressee or an authorised recipient of the addressee please notify us of receipt by returning the e-mail and do not use, copy, retain, distribute or disclose the information in or attached to the e-mail. Any opinions expressed within this e-mail are those of the individual and not necessarily of Diamond Light Source Ltd. Diamond Light Source Ltd. cannot guarantee that this e-mail or any attachments are free from viruses and we cannot accept liability for any damage which you may sustain as a result of software viruses which may be transmitted in or with the message. Diamond Light Source Limited (company no. 4375679). Registered in England and Wales with its registered office at Diamond House, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0DE, United Kingdom
Links: ------ [1] https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx_project.git [2] https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A0=CCTBX-COMMIT [3] https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx_project [4] https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx-playground/commits/master
_______________________________________________ cctbxbb mailing list [email protected] http://phenix-online.org/mailman/listinfo/cctbxbb
-- This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential, copyright and or privileged material, and are for the use of the intended addressee only. If you are not the intended addressee or an authorised recipient of the addressee please notify us of receipt by returning the e-mail and do not use, copy, retain, distribute or disclose the information in or attached to the e-mail. Any opinions expressed within this e-mail are those of the individual and not necessarily of Diamond Light Source Ltd. Diamond Light Source Ltd. cannot guarantee that this e-mail or any attachments are free from viruses and we cannot accept liability for any damage which you may sustain as a result of software viruses which may be transmitted in or with the message. Diamond Light Source Limited (company no. 4375679). Registered in England and Wales with its registered office at Diamond House, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0DE, United Kingdom

That's great. Should make development less painful. Rob On 23/11/2016 12:51, [email protected] wrote:
Hi Rob,
Yes, absolutely. The only action explicitly disabled is force-pushing to master, everything else works the same like any other project.
-----Original Message----- From: R.D. Oeffner [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 23 November 2016 12:48 To: cctbx mailing list
Cc: Gerstel, Markus (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI) Subject: Re: [cctbxbb] Moving cctbx to git Great work Markus,
Just a quick question. I suppose we can push our own branches on to the github repo besides commits to the master branch, Right?
On 23/11/2016 08:48, [email protected] wrote:
Hello everyone,
The Sourceforge CCTBX repository history has now been migrated to GitHub, and all further commits should go there.
Please do NOT commit to Sourceforge anymore!
To convert your local CCTBX repository from SVN to git you can use these commands, which should retain any local, uncommitted changes and unversioned files:
cd modules # or the directory directly above your checked out copy
mv cctbx_project cctbx_project.svn
git clone [email protected]:cctbx/cctbx_project.git
# If you have not set up SSH keys with your Github account you can alternatively use
# git clone https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx_project.git [1]
# but then would have to enter your credentials with every commit
cd cctbx_project.svn
svn diff > ../cctbx-patches
[ "$(uname)" != "Darwin" ] && svn status | grep "^?" | cut -c 9- | xargs -I {} cp --parents -av {} ../cctbx_project
# This will copy over any unversioned files. This will unfortunately not work on macs.
cd ../cctbx_project
patch -p0 < ../cctbx-patches
git status
If you haven't done it before, now is a good time to set up your local installation (see my last email for more about this)
git config --global user.name "John Doe"
git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
git config --global pull.rebase true
To get commit notifications and test results you can subscribe to a separate mailing list at https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A0=CCTBX-COMMIT [2]
Happy coding.
FROM: Gerstel, Markus (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI) SENT: 22 November 2016 15:29 TO: '[email protected]'
SUBJECT: RE: Moving cctbx to git Hello everyone,
Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow morning (Europe and UK), tonight (US) we will complete the migration of the cctbx source repository to git.
At this time if you want to commit code: *KEEP COMMITTING TO SOURCEFORGE*.
Do not worry about leaving uncommitted changes in your SVN tree. Those can be migrated later, instructions for this will follow after the move.
The new cctbx repository lives at https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx_project [3], however please do not commit to this repository yet!
We have set up a mailing list at https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A0=CCTBX-COMMIT [2], where you can get commit notifications and test results.
If you haven't done it before, now is a good time to set up your local installation of git to use your name and mail address with
git config --global user.name "John Doe"
git config --global user.email [email protected]
as well as this setting to avoid merge commits:
git config --global pull.rebase true
Note that you must set these on every computer you use! You may want to keep a copy of those commands around in case you ever get a new computer.
You should use mail addresses registered with your github account, or - if you enable it in your github account - the anonymous address offered by github.
You may want to use the time to sort out your ssh access keys with your GitHub account, and play around with git a bit. You can test that everything works using the temporary sandbox repository of cctbx. Here are some commands to get you started:
git clone [email protected]:cctbx/cctbx-playground.git
cd cctbx-playground
echo some text >> some-file
git add some-file
git commit -m "some commit"
git push
git log
Then go to https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx-playground/commits/master [4] to see how other people will see your commits.
The next steps:
Sourceforge: *READ-ONLY*. GitHub: Committing allowed
Please do not commit to Sourceforge any more.
All future commits should go to GitHub only.
Instructions to migrate local developer repositories will be sent around.
Change any website pointers from SF to GitHub.
Remaining commits on Sourceforge will be migrated to GitHub.
Dr Markus Gerstel MBCS
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Tel: +44 1235 778698
Diamond Light Source Ltd.
Diamond House
Harwell Science & Innovation Campus
OX11 0DE
This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential, copyright and or privileged material, and are for the use of the intended addressee only. If you are not the intended addressee or an authorised recipient of the addressee please notify us of receipt by returning the e-mail and do not use, copy, retain, distribute or disclose the information in or attached to the e-mail. Any opinions expressed within this e-mail are those of the individual and not necessarily of Diamond Light Source Ltd. Diamond Light Source Ltd. cannot guarantee that this e-mail or any attachments are free from viruses and we cannot accept liability for any damage which you may sustain as a result of software viruses which may be transmitted in or with the message. Diamond Light Source Limited (company no. 4375679). Registered in England and Wales with its registered office at Diamond House, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0DE, United Kingdom
Links: ------ [1] https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx_project.git [2] https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A0=CCTBX-COMMIT [3] https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx_project [4] https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx-playground/commits/master
_______________________________________________ cctbxbb mailing list [email protected] http://phenix-online.org/mailman/listinfo/cctbxbb

Colleagues phenix_regression/allsvn assumes if you have a .git then you have svn+git: for module in module_iterator(modules=svn_modules): if (op.exists(op.join(module, ".git"))): if (args not in [[], ["update"]]): print '%s is a git clone. "%s" action is not supported.' % args[0] else: assert not enable_trials command = "cd %s; git svn rebase" % module print command sys.stdout.flush() subprocess.call(args=command, shell=True) continue therefore you may see cd cctbx_project; git svn rebase Migrating from a git-svn v1 layout... Data from a previous version of git-svn exists, but .git/svn (required for this version (1.7.1) of git-svn) does not exist. Done migrating from a git-svn v1 layout Unable to determine upstream SVN information from working tree history if you run this - quite what we should do I am not sure... perhaps adjusting it to run git pull --rebase in place of git svn rebase Cheerio G -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of R.D. Oeffner Sent: 23 November 2016 13:21 To: [email protected] Cc: phenixdev Subject: Re: [cctbxbb] Moving cctbx to git That's great. Should make development less painful. Rob On 23/11/2016 12:51, [email protected] wrote:
Hi Rob,
Yes, absolutely. The only action explicitly disabled is force-pushing to master, everything else works the same like any other project.
-----Original Message----- From: R.D. Oeffner [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 23 November 2016 12:48 To: cctbx mailing list
Cc: Gerstel, Markus (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI) Subject: Re: [cctbxbb] Moving cctbx to git Great work Markus,
Just a quick question. I suppose we can push our own branches on to the github repo besides commits to the master branch, Right?
On 23/11/2016 08:48, [email protected] wrote:
Hello everyone,
The Sourceforge CCTBX repository history has now been migrated to GitHub, and all further commits should go there.
Please do NOT commit to Sourceforge anymore!
To convert your local CCTBX repository from SVN to git you can use these commands, which should retain any local, uncommitted changes and unversioned files:
cd modules # or the directory directly above your checked out copy
mv cctbx_project cctbx_project.svn
git clone [email protected]:cctbx/cctbx_project.git
# If you have not set up SSH keys with your Github account you can alternatively use
# git clone https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx_project.git [1]
# but then would have to enter your credentials with every commit
cd cctbx_project.svn
svn diff > ../cctbx-patches
[ "$(uname)" != "Darwin" ] && svn status | grep "^?" | cut -c 9- | xargs -I {} cp --parents -av {} ../cctbx_project
# This will copy over any unversioned files. This will unfortunately not work on macs.
cd ../cctbx_project
patch -p0 < ../cctbx-patches
git status
If you haven't done it before, now is a good time to set up your local installation (see my last email for more about this)
git config --global user.name "John Doe"
git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
git config --global pull.rebase true
To get commit notifications and test results you can subscribe to a separate mailing list at https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A0=CCTBX-COMMIT [2]
Happy coding.
FROM: Gerstel, Markus (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI) SENT: 22 November 2016 15:29 TO: '[email protected]'
SUBJECT: RE: Moving cctbx to git Hello everyone,
Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow morning (Europe and UK), tonight (US) we will complete the migration of the cctbx source repository to git.
At this time if you want to commit code: *KEEP COMMITTING TO SOURCEFORGE*.
Do not worry about leaving uncommitted changes in your SVN tree. Those can be migrated later, instructions for this will follow after the move.
The new cctbx repository lives at https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx_project [3], however please do not commit to this repository yet!
We have set up a mailing list at https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A0=CCTBX-COMMIT [2], where you can get commit notifications and test results.
If you haven't done it before, now is a good time to set up your local installation of git to use your name and mail address with
git config --global user.name "John Doe"
git config --global user.email [email protected]
as well as this setting to avoid merge commits:
git config --global pull.rebase true
Note that you must set these on every computer you use! You may want to keep a copy of those commands around in case you ever get a new computer.
You should use mail addresses registered with your github account, or - if you enable it in your github account - the anonymous address offered by github.
You may want to use the time to sort out your ssh access keys with your GitHub account, and play around with git a bit. You can test that everything works using the temporary sandbox repository of cctbx. Here are some commands to get you started:
git clone [email protected]:cctbx/cctbx-playground.git
cd cctbx-playground
echo some text >> some-file
git add some-file
git commit -m "some commit"
git push
git log
Then go to https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx-playground/commits/master [4] to see how other people will see your commits.
The next steps:
Sourceforge: *READ-ONLY*. GitHub: Committing allowed
Please do not commit to Sourceforge any more.
All future commits should go to GitHub only.
Instructions to migrate local developer repositories will be sent around.
Change any website pointers from SF to GitHub.
Remaining commits on Sourceforge will be migrated to GitHub.
Dr Markus Gerstel MBCS
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Tel: +44 1235 778698
Diamond Light Source Ltd.
Diamond House
Harwell Science & Innovation Campus
OX11 0DE
This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential, copyright and or privileged material, and are for the use of the intended addressee only. If you are not the intended addressee or an authorised recipient of the addressee please notify us of receipt by returning the e-mail and do not use, copy, retain, distribute or disclose the information in or attached to the e-mail. Any opinions expressed within this e-mail are those of the individual and not necessarily of Diamond Light Source Ltd. Diamond Light Source Ltd. cannot guarantee that this e-mail or any attachments are free from viruses and we cannot accept liability for any damage which you may sustain as a result of software viruses which may be transmitted in or with the message. Diamond Light Source Limited (company no. 4375679). Registered in England and Wales with its registered office at Diamond House, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0DE, United Kingdom
Links: ------ [1] https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx_project.git [2] https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A0=CCTBX-COMMIT [3] https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx_project [4] https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx-playground/commits/master
_______________________________________________ cctbxbb mailing list [email protected] http://phenix-online.org/mailman/listinfo/cctbxbb
_______________________________________________ cctbxbb mailing list [email protected] http://phenix-online.org/mailman/listinfo/cctbxbb -- This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential, copyright and or privileged material, and are for the use of the intended addressee only. If you are not the intended addressee or an authorised recipient of the addressee please notify us of receipt by returning the e-mail and do not use, copy, retain, distribute or disclose the information in or attached to the e-mail. Any opinions expressed within this e-mail are those of the individual and not necessarily of Diamond Light Source Ltd. Diamond Light Source Ltd. cannot guarantee that this e-mail or any attachments are free from viruses and we cannot accept liability for any damage which you may sustain as a result of software viruses which may be transmitted in or with the message. Diamond Light Source Limited (company no. 4375679). Registered in England and Wales with its registered office at Diamond House, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0DE, United Kingdom

Thank you everyone, especially Markus, for the successful transition. We look forward to a better life with git.
On Nov 23, 2016, at 12:48 AM, [email protected] wrote:
Hello everyone,
The Sourceforge CCTBX repository history has now been migrated to GitHub, and all further commits should go there.
Please do not commit to Sourceforge anymore!
To convert your local CCTBX repository from SVN to git you can use these commands, which should retain any local, uncommitted changes and unversioned files:
cd modules # or the directory directly above your checked out copy mv cctbx_project cctbx_project.svn git clone [email protected]:cctbx/cctbx_project.git # If you have not set up SSH keys with your Github account you can alternatively use # git clone https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx_project.git # but then would have to enter your credentials with every commit cd cctbx_project.svn svn diff > ../cctbx-patches [ "$(uname)" != "Darwin" ] && svn status | grep "^\?" | cut -c 9- | xargs -I {} cp --parents -av {} ../cctbx_project # This will copy over any unversioned files. This will unfortunately not work on macs. cd ../cctbx_project patch -p0 < ../cctbx-patches git status
If you haven’t done it before, now is a good time to set up your local installation (see my last email for more about this) git config --global user.name "John Doe" git config --global user.email "[email protected]" git config --global pull.rebase true
To get commit notifications and test results you can subscribe to a separate mailing list at https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A0=CCTBX-COMMIT
Happy coding. -Markus
From: Gerstel, Markus (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI) Sent: 22 November 2016 15:29 To: '[email protected]'
Subject: RE: Moving cctbx to git Hello everyone,
Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow morning (Europe and UK), tonight (US) we will complete the migration of the cctbx source repository to git.
At this time if you want to commit code: *keep committing to Sourceforge*. Do not worry about leaving uncommitted changes in your SVN tree. Those can be migrated later, instructions for this will follow after the move.
The new cctbx repository lives at https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx_project, however please do not commit to this repository yet!
We have set up a mailing list at https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A0=CCTBX-COMMIT, where you can get commit notifications and test results.
If you haven’t done it before, now is a good time to set up your local installation of git to use your name and mail address with git config --global user.name "John Doe" git config --global user.email [email protected] as well as this setting to avoid merge commits: git config --global pull.rebase true Note that you must set these on every computer you use! You may want to keep a copy of those commands around in case you ever get a new computer. You should use mail addresses registered with your github account, or – if you enable it in your github account – the anonymous address offered by github.
You may want to use the time to sort out your ssh access keys with your GitHub account, and play around with git a bit. You can test that everything works using the temporary sandbox repository of cctbx. Here are some commands to get you started: git clone [email protected]:cctbx/cctbx-playground.git cd cctbx-playground echo some text >> some-file git add some-file git commit –m "some commit" git push git log Then go to https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx-playground/commits/master to see how other people will see your commits.
The next steps:
*Tuesday 22nd November 2016, 11:59pm Pacific Time* *= Wednesday 23rd November 2016, 07:59am GMT:* Sourceforge: *Read-only*. GitHub: Committing allowed Please do not commit to Sourceforge any more. All future commits should go to GitHub only. Instructions to migrate local developer repositories will be sent around. Change any website pointers from SF to GitHub. Remaining commits on Sourceforge will be migrated to GitHub.
Dr Markus Gerstel MBCS Postdoctoral Research Associate Tel: +44 1235 778698
Diamond Light Source Ltd. Diamond House Harwell Science & Innovation Campus Didcot Oxfordshire OX11 0DE
This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential, copyright and or privileged material, and are for the use of the intended addressee only. If you are not the intended addressee or an authorised recipient of the addressee please notify us of receipt by returning the e-mail and do not use, copy, retain, distribute or disclose the information in or attached to the e-mail. Any opinions expressed within this e-mail are those of the individual and not necessarily of Diamond Light Source Ltd. Diamond Light Source Ltd. cannot guarantee that this e-mail or any attachments are free from viruses and we cannot accept liability for any damage which you may sustain as a result of software viruses which may be transmitted in or with the message. Diamond Light Source Limited (company no. 4375679). Registered in England and Wales with its registered office at Diamond House, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0DE, United Kingdom
_______________________________________________ cctbxbb mailing list [email protected] http://phenix-online.org/mailman/listinfo/cctbxbb
-- Paul Adams Division Director, Molecular Biophysics & Integrated Bioimaging, Lawrence Berkeley Lab Division Deputy for Biosciences, Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley Lab Adjunct Professor, Department of Bioengineering, U.C. Berkeley Vice President for Technology, the Joint BioEnergy Institute Laboratory Research Manager, ENIGMA Science Focus Area Building 33, Room 347 Building 80, Room 247 Building 978, Room 4126 Tel: 1-510-486-4225, Fax: 1-510-486-5909 http://cci.lbl.gov/paul Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 1 Cyclotron Road BLDG 33R0345 Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. Executive Assistant: Louise Benvenue [ [email protected] ][ 1-510-495-2506 ] --
participants (5)
Billy Poon
Paul Adams
R.D. Oeffner