On Tue, 07. Aug 14:43, Richard Gildea wrote:
I noticed this commit with the log "fix cif parser to work with antlr3c 3.2": http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=debian-science/packages/cctbx.git;a=blob...
This is essentially a revert of the cctbx svn revision 14621 ("ucif: upgrade to antlr3.4"): http://cctbx.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/cctbx/trunk/ucif/parser.h?r1=14583&r2=14621
The ANTLR C runtime changed its interface slightly between 3.2 and 3.4, hence the changes in revision 14621. From what I remember it isn't trivial to determine the ANTLR runtime version at compile time which was why we made no attempt to support both versions of the runtime. If you wish to be able to compile against 3.2 in addition to 3.4 we will need to figure out how to determine the runtime version. We also use a slightly modified version of the ANTLR C runtime in order to obtain savings on memory (particularly when reading large ribosome data files). Once again this is more of a debian related patch what could break your logic and is only intended to be used in the package. I tried to figure it out how to determine the antlr version with the preprocessor but the version information is useless (at least with my small knowledge)
To explain further our intentions. We don't want to link any peace of code by bundled shlibs what we already have in debian. Then we'd have to link everything statically what is not so good in finding bugs Since fixing a shlib package is easier then fixing every package which bundles this shlib.