Here's the commit where the dependency was introduced, back in 2013:
Here's the cctbx dependency chain:
$ libtbx.show_module_dependencies cctbx
cctbx depends on scitbx chiltbx
scitbx depends on boost_adaptbx omptbx boost
boost_adaptbx depends on tbxx
tbxx has no libtbx_config
omptbx depends on boost_adaptbx boost
boost has no libtbx_config
chiltbx has no libtbx_config
I agree with you Luc, but I'm not sure how to proceed here. Should
map_writer be taken out of iotbx or should cctbx be made dependent on iotbx?
On Sat, May 27, 2017 at 3:07 AM, Luc Bourhis
C:\Users\luc\Documents\Developer\cctbx\modules\cctbx_project\cctbx\maptbx\SConscript, line 5-8:
env = env_base.Clone( SHLINKFLAGS=env_etc.shlinkflags, LIBS=["iotbx_xplor", "cctbx_sgtbx_asu", "cctbx", "omptbx", env_etc.libm] )
This is not supposed to be: the cctbx shall be usable with only what’s defined in its libtbx_config.
Best wishes,
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