Possibly off topic, but I had issues with libtool and Mac OS X. Shared libraries need to be specified vi the -L/path/to/library/dir --libname linker flags when using libtool on Mac OS X. For what its worth, I wrote my own pkgconfig files with the necessary -L and --libname linker flags (and CFLAGS). This appears to work fine on Mac OS X, debian, Suse Enterprise Linux, and Gentoo. The reasons are: *) Mac OS X uses .dylib for shared libs; libtool ignores *.dylib; and specifying .dylibs is not good in that it makes the Mac OS X setup differ from that of Linux distributions *) Mac OS X does not use *.so files (as far as I know) On another note, are there regression tests (+ documentation) for the shared libraries? If so, it should be fairly easy to setup an automatic method to generate pkgconfig files + simple tests to make sure the linking works. On the other hand, I am assuming Scons is supposed to replace much or all of the standard autotools buildchain, and I don't know if Scons has an equivalent to pkgconfig files. --Jeff