Hi Martin, * strip out everything python related (apart from maybe the build system)
* strip out all modules (namespaces) that are unused by my code
leaving a fairly bare-bones C++ library that is quick and easy to build.
We have the libtbx/configure.py --build-boost-python-extensions=False option. I just tried this on my Mac laptop (4 cores + hyper-threading, compiles with -j 8): python $sources/cctbx_project/libtbx/configure.py iotbx --build-boost-python-extensions=False make It finished in 100 seconds. The same command finishes in 37 seconds on a 64-core AMD running Linux. Are these times OK for your purposes? We could streamline the cctbx module hierarchy for your needs to bring down the times further, if necessary. To reduce the size of the source code directories, you could probably have some quick gains by removing certain top-level directories. I'm not sure it is worth going into the directories below the top level. Networks are so fast these days and disks so big, developer time (for writing and maintaining the scripts to pick out just what you need) is usually the most scarce resource. Ralf