As far as I can tell from the svn diff (
the only difference that passing --enable-boost-threads made was to include
the "-pthread" flag, and when not enabled the 'BOOST_DISABLE_THREADS'
option was passed instead to the compiler. I do not know if passing the
'BOOST_DISABLE_THREADS' option could cause a conflict when linking to a
program compiled with the -pthread option. Neither of these options are
passed to the compiler in the current cctbx.
Boost.Threads support was removed from the cctbx because it was only
experimental, and was superseded by better alternatives. Do you still
observe the same problem if you use a more recent version of the cctbx,
either svn or one of the nightly builds (http://cci.lbl.gov/builds/ - there
isn't really much distinction between "released" and "unreleased" builds)?
On 17 October 2012 16:56, Jeffrey Van Voorst
My question is of a slightly different nature. Specifically, what type of "magic" is enabled by --boost-enable-threads in the latest release of cctbx that allows the libiotbx_pdb.so library to be linked correctly to a simple program when that linking includes the "-pthread" flag? By simple, I mean a program that has two lines in the main function -- reading the PDB file and constructing the hierarchy.
My goal is to try to understand the dependencies and why the simple program would have a memory corruption when libiotbx_pdb.so was not compiled using --boost-enable-threads.
On 10/17/12 5:28 PM, Richard Gildea wrote:
Hi Jeff,
Boost.Threads support in the cctbx was removed back in August ( http://phenix-online.org/**pipermail/cctbxbb/2012-August/**000468.htmlhttp://phenix-online.org/pipermail/cctbxbb/2012-August/000468.html, http://cctbx.svn.sourceforge.**net/viewvc/cctbx?view=** revision&revision=15762http://cctbx.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/cctbx?view=revision&revision=15762). If you are using a recent copy of the sources then the libtbx configure command should raise an error if you pass the now defunct --enable-boost-threads option.
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