Dear Graeme, and Billy

Thanks for the quick reply. 

This is not from the standard cctbx or phenix source installation. 

It is based on an older version (the code might be dated back to 2013), from which Peter and I wrote some program for saxs analysis. I have not updated the cctbx source tree since then. That's why I was asking whether someone encountered this. After reading the mail list, I found there is one thread saying about AUTO_BUILD, where a is available. 

I can try to update the cctbx source (but the code is not available online any more?) Do you know where to download the new version cctbx source?


On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 7:49 PM, <> wrote:

Dear Haiguang,


I for one have been using OS X El Capitan for a good long while now with no problems…


Please could you give more information as to what the exact problem is? I.e. where you are trying to install and so on.


Thanks & best wishes Graeme


From: [] On Behalf Of Haiguang Liu
Sent: 20 September 2016 12:47
Subject: [cctbxbb] rpath problem on Mac system


Dear CCTBX developing team,


Is there already a solution for the run path problem in the new Mac OS?


The  System Integrity Protection does not allow relative run path. I temporarily disabled this feature to run the programs that requires boost (for example).


If there is already a solution, please let me know.






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