On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 3:13 AM,
I am giving it a try in a RHEL6 working station without root permission, so I modified the "/cctbx-installer-2014_09_21_2205/lib/libtbx/auto_build/install_distribution.py" file and changed one line:
destination = "/usr/local"
with the new path:
destination = "/scratch/cctbx-new"
This is not the intended mechanism - use "--prefix=/scratch/cctbx-new" instead. (I think "./install --help" will show the full list of options.)
The installation went pretty well until it got stuck trying MatplotLib, I don't think it got stuck because of the little hack I did, but still worth commenting and chowing the full console output.
I think this is unrelated, but the underlying error is being swallowed. Can you please send me this log file? /scratch/cctbx-installer-2014_09_21_2205/install_tmp/intel-linux-2.6-x86_64/ws201/Matplotlib_install_log thanks, Nat