Hi James, thanks. I looked at random image 15 and after trying a bunch of stuff it indexes fine if I use indexing.method=fft3d. The default for stills processing is fft1d, so I find this super interesting.
For what it's worth, I pretty much never process stills without a target cell. I generated ~30 random images using your script and indexed them, then I got the unit cells with "dials.show *refined*.json | grep cell". They were all about the same. So I re-indexed random image 15 using fft1d but I also specified known_symmetry.cell=50,60,70,90,90,90 and it indexed fine.
So, either indexing.method=fft3d or known_symmetry.cell=50,60,70,90,90,90 is sufficient to index random image 15. Certainly for experimental data I would recommend using known_symmetry as the results are always better. However, I'd like to look deeper at fft1d vs fft3d at some point.
Cc'ing dials-support.