On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 6:49 PM, Sun, Miao
I have installed cctbx software, however, I cant find the command mmtbx.mp_geo. I wanna to validate the backbone bond and angles. Is there any other command could do that?
The mp_geo module isn't really intended for use outside of the MolProbity server. If you want to run validation independently of the server, I recommend downloading the latest Phenix distribution ( http://phenix-online.org), preferably one of the nightly builds, and running phenix.molprobity or the validation GUI. All you need to download it is your academic email address (and 3+ GB of disk space, sorry). Provided you're using an up-to-date version, the results should be essentially identical to the server - if not, this is probably a bug. -Nat