Dear Luc
I think I have confused you by not mentioning in the very first mail.
My main program is in PERL and I am calling OPENBABEL by installing it on
my PC and using the system command on UNIX. e.g. system("babel -i pdb input
file -o cif output file");
Same thing I wanted for cctbx. Since it does alot of other things along
with unitcell generation, I wanted to have the relevant part of cctbx.
I wanted to make binary of that part, so that I can call it from the main
Thanx alot
Prasun Kumar
Desire + stability = Resolution
Resolution + Hard work = Success
On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 8:12 PM, Luc Bourhis
On 19 Mar 2013, at 11:09, prasun kumar wrote:
Is it possible for me. I am asking this question because I am completely new to the python. In PERL, you can make executable (lets say on any unix OS 64 bit comp) and it will work on any 64 bit computer with any type or version of LINUX/UNIX.
I was more interested in the binary form, so that I can directly call it from my main program.
Just to make sure we are on the same page, I have got two questions. Is your main program written in C? If so, were you embedding a Perl interpreter in that program, so as to have access to OpenBabel?
Best wishes,
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