On 7 Aug 2012, at 23:02, Radostan Riedel wrote:
On Tue, 07. Aug 14:27, Nathaniel Echols wrote:
This is one point that came up in discussion here: how will this impact Mac? Apple's libtool appears to be an entirely different beast. Or will your changes only affect Linux right now? I don't have a mac but from reading the documentation of libtool it should work otherwise it's a bug in libtool. You are right that libtool is quite of a beast but that's why I did it as an option.
Just a side note: Apple's developer tools contain a libtool that is quite different from GNU's ditto. GNU's libtool is installed as glibtool. // Johan Postdoctoral Fellow @ Physical Biosciences Division __________________________________________________________________ Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory * 1 Cyclotron Rd. Mail Stop 64R0121 * Berkeley, CA 94720-8118 * +1 (510) 495-8055