On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 4:16 AM, <castro@biochem.mpg.de> wrote:
Sorry to bother again.
How do I update the source code using SVN?

The not-very-helpful answer is that the old-style bundles do not support source updates.  Also, as you've probably noticed, a lot of documentation is out of date.  What I would suggest is to download one of the newer "plus" bundles here:


These actually include all of the necessary dependencies (which keep changing on short notice, sorry!) and also have a source layout that's more consistent with our development environment.  The current builds incorporate the program you're looking for, but you can also update cctbx in the future by doing this:

cd $CCTBX/modules
rm -rf cctbx_project
svn checkout http://svn.code.sf.net/p/cctbx/code/trunk cctbx_project
cd $CCTBX/build
libtbx.configure .

I will update the instructions (and installation script) when I have a chance.
