There is an issue open on UCS4 which is somewhat related: https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx_project/issues/60
We currently don't use UCS4, and your system pyqt4 does. You would have to install (and potentially, compile) it for the cctbx python directly.
A 3 minute research from my mobile phone suggests that you might be able to download the sources as tar.gz files and then do something along the lines of
cctbx.python -m pip install SIP
cctbx.python -m pip install pyqt-source.tar.gz
but this is untested, and I haven't used pyqt before.
On 8 Dec 2017 12:19, Gianluca SANTONI wrote:
Dear all,
I'm having some troubles recently in importing pyqt4 in libtbx.python
under Debian8.
It used to work with a previous build compiled from the sources, but I
don't find a reasonable way to make it work from the bootstrap installation.
More details:
1) If I do in libtbx.python
sys.path.append('/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/') and "from PyQt4
import QtCore", I get an
unidentified symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_AsLatin1String
2) If I try to compile cctbx as I did in the past "python
../libtbx/configure.py cctbx" no make file is produced. Maybe I'm
missing something
Thanks everybody for your help.
Gianluca Santoni, PhD
ESRF structural biology group
71 avenue des Martyrs
38027 Grenoble cedex (France)
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