Build Notes for cctbx on OS X 10.7.5
These notes describe a successful build of cctbx against a specific python
interpreter, namely `Enthought python`_ 7.3-2 for x86_64.
Although working, versions of cctbx are available for both the system python or
with a dedicated python, these canned solutions are not optimal. First, it's not
advisable to modify system utilities. Although cctbx seems well-behaved in this
regard, other packages may not be so well behaved. Second, the canned approach
requires building many of the numerous packages that come with bundeld python
distributions like the Enthought distribution (some such packages exceed even
cctbx in their difficulty to build). Third, if every package required its own
python, every script would need to fire-up dozens of separate interpreters just
to do its job, resulting in significant computational overhead with consummately
slower execution times.
1. The default c++ compiler for OS X 10.7 is actually clang (``/usr/bin/c++``).
Using clang exposes invalid template code. The first of many errors is::
In file included from
error: call to function 'r_factor' that is neither visible in the template
definition nor found by argument-dependent lookup
r.push_back(r_factor(f_obs, f_model.const_ref()));
These types of errors are documented at the page
.. note:: The installation directory is ``/opt/cctbx``.
but they do not recognize the ``-no-cpp-precomp`` flag. The web page
boost. However, according to the comments therein, this should have been
fixed in boost 1.50. I am building against boost 1.52. Perplexed about the
source of this compiler flag, I tracked it down to the file
``cctbx_sources/libtbx/SConscript``, after spending much of a day learning how
scons goes about its business. There are two possible fixes:
- Comment the following line in ``cctbx_sources/libtbx/SConscript``::
# env_etc.ccflags_base.extend(["-no-cpp-precomp"])
- Link ``/usr/bin/g++`` to ``c++`` in a way that it will be found first in the
path. For example::
% ln -s /usr/bin/g++ ${HOME}/bin/c++
3. I first fixed the ``-no-cpp-precomp`` error by the former, commenting the
offending line in ``cctbx_sources/libtbx/SConscript`` but this failed
with the error::
error: operator '&&' has no right operand
#elif defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) && _XOPEN_SOURCE >= 600 && defined(_POSIX_ADVISORY_INFO)
that the naked ``_XOPEN_SOURCE`` wrecks the conditional when ``_XOPEN_SOURCE`` is
not defined. One possible way to overcome this problem is to change the offending
line into a nested if/then, hoping that the comparison never gets evaluated under
circumstances when ``_XOPEN_SOURCE`` is not defined::
#elif defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE)
#if _XOPEN_SOURCE >= 600 && defined(_POSIX_ADVISORY_INFO)
However, this was unnecessary because the second fix to the ``-no-cpp-precomp``
error (linking ``/usr/bin/g++`` to ``c++``) worked and avoided changing the
preprocessor source.
4. Left to its own devices, scons could not find my ``fftw3.h``, which I have
installed (via fink) to ``/sw/include/fftw3.h``. To fix this problem, I
inserted the second of the following two lines into the file
Although this allowed scons to find the header, it could not find the actual
library, requiring the insertion of the second of the following lines into
the file ``cctbx_sources/libtbx/SConscript``::
env_etc.shlinkflags_bpl = [
"-w", # suppress "source/lib does not exist" warning
"-undefined", "dynamic_lookup"]