Hi Graeme and Kay,
I'll add my 2 cents to this as well. I have been using WSL with VcXsrv since February 2018 for all Linux-primary software needs and DIALS in particular. Before that I tried using DIALS both on Ubuntu through Virtualbox and compiled for Windows directly on my computer.
Based on my experience, I would suggest reconsidering if native Windows support is still relevant. At the same time I do know that there are some parts that still don't really translate well into WSL2, so maybe a Windows native application still is worth the time. Otherwise a link to the xdswiki should be enough support, in particular once WSL2 can be installed on all Windows 10 computers with a simple "wsl --install" in PowerShell or CMD with admin privileges. The fact that the original github issue is based on the WSL2 version being faster than native Windows version also supports that WSL2 might be a better version of "Windows support".
If the point of a Windows version is to make it simple to install for Windows users, then maybe it might be possible to write a installation script that performs all relevant steps, including installation of WSL2 if needed?
tl;dr: I agree that WSL2 is a good enough solution, and would add vcxsrv as an additional option if you only want the Xserver and not the full MobaXterm.
Kind regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 26 May 2021 18:57:27 +0000 From: "Winter, Graeme (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI)"
To: cctbx mailing list Subject: [cctbxbb] Windows icc builds Message-ID: <[email protected]> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" HI Folks
Following from a DIALS issue about it being slow on Windows
I have fallen into a rabbit hole and I am trying to build DIALS (and hence cctbx) on Windows with the intel compilers from oneAPI - however I keep stumbling over linking errors with e.g. undefined symbol __floor
Should I abandon hope or has someone done this?
I know this is not a new path to tread as windows_icc was a defined combination on the SConscripts
I had had to hack some bits around a little presumably to accommodate 2021 versions of icc compilers, but this felt like I was going down a bad path
Would welcome input from anyone who can help - currently windows DIALS is a pretty poor relation
It is noteworthy however that parallel operation does now appear to work on Windows with easy mp :-)
In other news - has anyone considered adding clang support with clang coming from conda? Could make for more consistency in the builds? I had a look at how one may go about doing this but rapidly found myself in SCons hell.
Thanks in advance for any help & all the best Graeme
-- Kay Diederichs http://strucbio.biologie.uni-konstanz.de email: [email protected] Tel +49 7531 88 4049 Fachbereich Biologie, Universität Konstanz, Box M647, D-78457 Konstanz This e-mail is digitally signed. If your e-mail client does not have the necessary capabilities, just ignore the attached signature "smime.p7s".