Hi Graeme, try this:
from cctbx.sgtbx.lattice_symmetry import metric_subgroups
from cctbx import crystal
input_symmetry = crystal.symmetry(
unit_cell=(20, 30, 40, 90, 90, 90),
groups = metric_subgroups(input_symmetry=input_symmetry, max_delta=1.4)
for item in groups.result_groups:
print item['cb_op_inp_best'].as_hkl()
See also the implemenation of the .show() method
in cctbx/sgtbx/lattice_symmetry.py.
On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 8:13 AM,
Hi Folks,****
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I have a very simple question which I **know** can be done with cctbx, using the Python API, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do it. I have even read the code, it’s just not clear.****
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I have a Bravais lattice and cell, say oP and 20, 30, 40, 90, 90, 90 – what I would like back is a list of pointgroup, cell, reindexing operation for all compatible unique settings i.e. 1 x P1, 3 x P2, 1 x P222 – from a Python loop. At the moment I run iotbx.lattice symmetry and grep the results, which is not a great idea. It would also be useful to give the reindex operations to centred lattices.****
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I have also stared at phenix.explore_metric_symmetry and remain puzzled despite my attempt to essentially duplicate the code. I just can’t get the reindex operation out.****
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Has anyone some simple code to do this?****
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I tried piggybacking on pointgroup tools but that did not lead to enlightenment. I suspect using elementary ish operations would be better…* ***
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Dr. Graeme Winter****
Senior Software Scientist****
Diamond Light Source****
+44 1235 778091 (work)****
+44 7786 662784 (work mobile)****
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