Hi everybody, Sorry to bother again. How do I update the source code using SVN? In the bundle version that I installed (cctbx_bundle.tar.gz, downloaded from http://cci.lbl.gov/cctbx_build/) I could not find "cctbx_sources/mmtbx/command_line/map_comparison.py" Then I used: svn checkout http://svn.code.sf.net/p/cctbx/code/trunk cctbx-code In the downloaded folder I found the file that I was looking for. "cctbx-code/mmtbx/command_line/map_comparison.py" My question is: How can I integrate these updates to my previous version? I tried using the cctbx_install_script.csh script targeting to cctbx-code but did not work. I also tried by copying the contents of cctbx-code into cctbx-sources and running cctbx_install_script.csh but did not work. Thanks a lot for your help Marcelino