On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 10:50 AM,
In cctbx_project/iotbx/pdb/multimer_reconstruction.py there is a dependency on Phenix
from phenix.command_line.simple_ncs_from_pdb import simple_ncs_from_pdb from phenix.command_line.simple_ncs_from_pdb import ncs_master_params
Please could someone remove this? I just had a look at cleaning things up so that this was encapsulated but was not obvious and figured risk of breaking was more substantial.
Sorry, this should not have happened. I've checked in a fix (I hope). The usual solution is to move such imports inline; as far as I'm concerned if this happens again you would not be out of line to do so unilaterally. This is breaking our nightly build tests at Diamond as we don’t check out
phenix :o(
It's also breaking the CCTBX-specific tests in our nightly builds, since these are deliberately run without the phenix modules. I wasn't paying attention to these yesterday, unfortunately. -Nat