3 Jun
3 Jun
9:44 p.m.
If you want to do it by hand, you need to parrot what cctbx.python does. You need to set the following environment variables: 1. LIBTBX_BUILD that must be the path of cctbx_build next to cctbx_sources or cctbx_project 2. PYTHONPATH at the very least it shall contain $LIBTBX_BUILD/lib:$CCTBXSRC:$CCTBXSRC/boost_adaptbx:$CCTBXSRC/libtbx/pythonpath where $CCTBXSRC is the full path of cctbx_sources or cctbx_project 3. DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH It shall contain $LIBTBX_BUILD/lib Best wishes, Luc