Hi Graeme, Am Montag 21 Januar 2013 11:02:08 schrieb [email protected]: [...]
TypeError: argument of type 'object' is not iterable The full traceback has been saved in /var/folders/j1/cgsqy8fs1lxdyjggcsb3twsw0000gn/T/sphinx-err-jjM5C8.log, if [...]
could you also post the full traceback, please? Also what directory structure are you using? I have my cctbx dev-environment (on linux) organised like this: ./somedir/sources/cctbx_project ./somedir/sources/boost ... I build cctbx into ./somedir/build and then copy dox.sphinx from source into ./somedir/build/dox.sphinx then I change into this directory: $ cd ./somedir/build/dox.sphinx and call $ ./build_docs.sh While sphinx runs I see quite a lot of ImportErrors and NameErrors (which might be due to certain modules not being built or problems with some classes) but the run finishes and does not break like in your case. With regards, Dipl. Phys. Jan M. Simons Institute of Crystallography RWTH Aachen University