Hi Aaron(and DIALS)For stills / single images - should dials.index switch by magic to default fft1d?Of is that the responsibility of e.g. xia2 / cctbx.xfel to worry about?It has to be said, more often than not, particularly for screening, we do not know cell / symmetry a priori (at diamond anyways)A related questionIf I have a data block / strong pickle from 1000 stills, how can I index e.g. image 672? Do I have to split this into 1000 separate things?@JH - thanks for this - I think some rigorous testing will be useful here.Cheers GraemeOn 3 Feb 2018, at 08:37, Aaron Brewster <asbrewster@lbl.gov> wrote:------------------------------Hi James, thanks. I looked at random image 15 and after trying a bunch of stuff it indexes fine if I use indexing.method=fft3d. The default for stills processing is fft1d, so I find this super interesting.For what it's worth, I pretty much never process stills without a target cell. I generated ~30 random images using your script and indexed them, then I got the unit cells with "dials.show *refined*.json | grep cell". They were all about the same. So I re-indexed random image 15 using fft1d but I also specified known_symmetry.cell=50,60,70,90,90,90 and it indexed fine. So, either indexing.method=fft3d or known_symmetry.cell=50,60,70,90,90,90 is sufficient to index random image 15. Certainly for experimental data I would recommend using known_symmetry as the results are always better. However, I'd like to look deeper at fft1d vs fft3d at some point. Cc'ing dials-support.Thanks!-AaronOn Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 1:35 PM, James Holton <jmholton@lbl.gov> wrote:Cheers,Something to ponder over the weekend, I suppose. Note that I recently checked in a few bug fixes to simTBX, but this analysis is unaffected by them, so you shouldn't have to update your build to reproduce this.Any ideas as to why there is this discrepancy? Feels like an opportunity for a non-trivial improvement.will create a file called noiseimage_001.cbf that dials.stills_process cannot index (at least in my hands). For those of you who don't have mosflm installed, the tarball incluses a copy, and the "autoindex.com" script should run on any linux system.libtbx.python ./tst_nanoBragg_forindex.py random 15The tarball contains a "runme.com" shell script for reproducing these results, and also the tst_nanoBragg_forindex.py jiffy for making a test image given a provided random-number seed. For example:I have tarballed up the relevant files here:While testing the new simTBX diffraction image simulator Aaron and I found that some rather beautiful-looking images still won't index. Subsequently, I followed up with mosflm, which does succeed in these cases, even without prior knowledge of the cell or space group.I have now run this 1000 times, varying only the crystal orientation, and found 171 cases of dials.stills_process failing to index the simulated image whereas mosflm had no trouble, and 5 cases where mosflm failed and dials.stills_process succeeded. There were no overlapping cases where both programs failed.
http://bl831.als.lbl.gov/~jamesh/bugreports/dials_index_0202 18.tgz
-James HoltonMAD Scientist
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