I'd support a refactorization to enforce the modularization
Hi all,
am I getting mad or
% libtbx.configure —only cctbx % libtbx.scons
will result in a linking error because of the line marked with <<<<< in cctbx/maptbx/SConscript ?
if (not env_etc.no_boost_python): Import("env_cctbx_boost_python_ext") env_bpl = env_cctbx_boost_python_ext.Clone() env_etc.include_registry.append( env=env_bpl, paths=env_etc.cctbx_common_includes) env_bpl.Prepend(LIBS=["asymmetric_map", "iotbx_xplor", "cctbx_sgtbx_asu”, <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< "cctbx", "omptbx"]) env_bpl.SharedLibrary( target="#lib/cctbx_asymmetric_map_ext", source=["asymmetric_map_ext.cpp"])
This code was introduced in Dec 2013!!! The only workaround
% libtbx.configure cctbx iotbx
So much for the modularisation with the libtbx_config’s…
Best wishes,
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