Hi Radi,
1.) The SONAME and SOVERSION is missing from the shared libraries. I'm
attaching a patch that can fix this for GNU/Linux. That produces files
like this:
2.) PyCifRW: I had to remove it from the sources because it ain't free
software because of some lines in their license. It wasn't accepted to
Fedora because of that, so I guess I can forget Debian either.
3.) In your changelog I read you wanna get rid of the "from __future__
import division" and change to "python -Qnew". This would be a problem
for me, because than I couldn't use it from sys.path anymore. I have a
Django project at work that imports some cctbx modules directly from
pythonpath. And I can't really call "cctbx.python" for that, otherwise I
would have to patch my Apache and mod_wsgi, respectively cctbx.
Wouldn't it be better to install all python modules to the standard
python location of the Distribution than making dispatchers with
hardcoded paths?
Also, when the libraries, headers and python stuff
would be in their standard location, everyone could just import it from