Dear Magnus,
I suspect that the error is unrelated to all those things and instead a change in your code. An IndentationError happens in parsing a python file, and all python files contained in cctbx are syntax checked. The python syntax has not changed within 2.7.
I suggest searching the problematic file for tab characters and if you find any, replace them with spaces.
Otherwise I can take a look at the file if you upload it somewhere (github.com/pastebin.com/email)
Does the IndentationError happen inside coot? If I parse the code correctly it should be approximately equivalent to:
from dials.util.procrunner import run_process
coot_input = '''
(handle-read-draw-molecule-with-recentre "{inf}" 1)
(set-refinement-immediate-replacement 1)
(set-refine-max-residues 40)
(regularize-zone 0 " " {res1minus} {res3}" ")
(regularize-zone 0 " " {res3} {res2plus}" ")
(write-pdb-file 0 "{outf}")
(coot-real-exit 0)
'''.format(inf=inf, outf=outf, res1minus=res1-2, res3=res3, res2plus=res2+2)
run_process(['coot', '--no-graphics'], stdin=coot_input)
Does coot allow space in front of commands?
(And I'm not sure about coot console commands. but some of the "-pairs look a bit strange to me)
From: [email protected] [[email protected]] on behalf of Magnus Andersson [[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2017 20:15
To: cctbx mailing list
Subject: [cctbxbb] cctbx versions causing indentation crash?
Hi all,
I have a script that runs fine on my old computer, but crashes on my new computer with the error message:
IndentationError: unexpected indent
This script is (amongst other things) calling the softwatre Coot such as:
subprocess.call(["""coot --no-graphics<