Hi Pavel/ CCTBXBB,
I have used phenix.fmodel to generate structure factors (Fcalc) from given atomic model in merged.pdb file. As previously suggested I am using the type=real flag to populate the Fobs with these Fcalc values:
phenix.fmodel data_column_label="F,SIGF" merged.pdb free.mtz type=real
In the merged.pdb file I set the isotropic B-factor (through u_iso) to a known value (i.e. b=40), and occupancy of the involved ligand/ground state. i.e Occupancy of ligand/ bound state atoms (0.05) and ground state atoms (0.95), all with B Factor =40.
Does phenix.fmodel generate its mtz regarding the B factor of individual atoms?
To give context to this question:
I then use these Fcalc values to test a brute force search of occupancy and b_factor values. I am searching through Fcalc(1)-Fcalc(2) maps, where Fcalc(1) is the Fcalc generated by phenix.fmodel. Fcalc(2) is generated from the same pdb file, but with occupancy and u_iso of atoms in the ligand/ground state varied (occ 0.05 to 0.95, u_iso 0.2 to 1.2). After this search, I look at the mean over points near bound/ground state of |Fcalc(1)-Fcalc(2)|.
My test should be able to uniquely identify the occupancy and B factor values supplied in the merged.pdb file. I can recapitulate the expected occupancy, however I cannot recapitulate this supplied B factor.
From: Pavel Afonine