Sorry if this is not relevant to this mailing list.
I was wondering if there are any modules available under cctbx to query PDB database programmatically.
There was an option to SQL-query PDBe (from here :http://www.ebi.ac.uk/pdbe-as/pdbedatabase/ ). But, this service has been retired since Mar 2015. How else could complex query on PDB possible?
An example query could be:
list of PDBid with SCOPid="1hba" and (Resolution < 2 and R/Rfree < 15/20) or (Resolution < 3 and R/Rfree < 20/25 ) and Completeness < 95% and structureFactorAvailability="Y"
Such a query was possible via above mentioned SQL link. However, I am unable to find any other means now.
Thanks in advance,
Kaushik Hatti,
Molecular Biophysics Unit,
Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore, India
People living deeply have no fear of death - Anais Nin
Caution: I am still the dumbest person I have ever known :-)