Hi all, For anyone who's interested: following on from my quick demo of the use of std::async to simplify threading of long-running tasks called from Python, I've put some example code at https://github.com/tristanic/async-hello-world/tree/master/src (implemented as a ChimeraX plugin for demo purposes, but the C++ code and bindings are entirely generic). To re-iterate what this is about, and why I think it's important: in brief, for most real-world problems Python-level threading is not particularly useful since (except in specific cases) the Global Interpreter Lock limits the overall performance to no better than - and often much worse than - single-threaded code. While multiprocessing can be an option for some tasks, it's (a) slow to get started, (b) memory-hungry due to the need for each process to have a complete copy of all the data, (c) rather difficult to organise with respect to intercommunication, and (d) not very cross-platform friendly (I'm looking at you, Windows!). The point of this example is to show that with C++11 organising the threading at the C++ level can often end up being both the simplest and fastest approach - it's only a dozen or so extra lines of fairly boilerplate code required to allow the Python programmer to choose between running the exact same function either in the main thread or asynchronously in a new one. Why I think it's important: I've said in the past, and continue to believe, that we should be aiming for (interactive) model building, validation and refinement to merge together into a single integrated process - as much as anything, ISOLDE is meant to be the proof of principle that this is a possibility. But for that to work, high-performance and cross-platform parallelism is a real necessity. The approach described here is how I'm currently getting ChimeraX to maintain 30+ fps graphics performance while simultaneously running interactive molecular dynamics and structure factor calculations. I suspect there are many functions in CCTBX that could potentially benefit from this approach even when not considering GUI applications. Best regards, Tristan