On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 10:27 AM, Radostan Riedel
Yeah I understand the reasons if you distribute binary bundles but source bundles? Normally if I want to compile something myself I'm aware of the work I'll have to do. Also cctbx is not mainstream as I understand it. It's for software developers. And I naively believe software developers know how to compile and install software :D.
They may know how, but some of us are quite lazy and/or impatient, and our experience has been that it's difficult to convince other developers to adopt a package that requires so much effort to set up.
End-Users are using Phenix or Olex2 etc. Olex2 for example is bundling cctbx too so mainstream users are normally not confronted with that. But I don't want to change your distribute system I'd just think it'd be nice to have an additional minimal unbundled package for freaks like myself ;).
Can't you just use the SVN checkout for this?
Are you just using your test system to evaluate? I ran the tests with my system libraries and they worked fine is this a guarantee for me that it's working?
Yes, I think this should be relatively safe - if you find cases where this turns out not to be the case, it would mean that our test coverage is incomplete. -Nat