Hello I am using EPD for python,numpy,scipy and cctbx on windows 7 machine.(I compiled cctbx from windows studio 2010). Test results for all are attached herewith. In my code cctbx is accessed as - ######### cmmd2 = "cctbx.python \"" cmddir = FIXDIR(os.getcwd()) print "os.getcwd" print os.getcwd() print "****MML****: GetUnitCell_2.py" cmmd2 = cmmd2 + cmddir + "GetUnitCell_2.py\"" print "cmmd2" print cmmd2 #-------------------------------------- # Execute GetUnitCell.py #-------------------------------------- bufsize = 1 try: print "*** Executing cctbx" p2 = Popen(cmmd2, shell=True, bufsize=bufsize, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) output2 = p2.communicate(input = allout) ############# cmmd2 is showing correct path of module GetUnitCell_2.py. However output2 is coming empty which shows cctbx is not being accessed properly. I am not sure whether it is because of faulty installation or bug in code. Please advise how to proceed on this issue.I am stuck on it for long time. Thanks in advance!!! Thanks & Regards Swapnil U. Shinde