Hmm actually looking
cat ./scitbx/array_family/boost_python/numpy_bridge.hpp
namespace scitbx { namespace af { namespace boost_python {
#define SCITBX_LOC(pyname, ElementType) \
boost::python::object \
flex_##pyname##_as_numpy_array( \
ref > const& O, \
bool optional=false); \
versa >* \
flex_##pyname##_from_numpy_array( \
boost::python::numeric::array const& arr_obj);
SCITBX_LOC(bool, bool)
SCITBX_LOC(int, int)
SCITBX_LOC(long, long)
SCITBX_LOC(float, float)
SCITBX_LOC(double, double)
#define SCITBX_LOC2 std::complex<double>
SCITBX_LOC(complex_double, SCITBX_LOC2)
#undef SCITBX_LOC2
SCITBX_LOC(size_t, std::size_t)
}}} // namespace scitbx::af::boost_python
without so much leaning on preprocessor macros would probably make more sense, in my humble opinion (though is boiler plate)
if we were to find a confident C++ expert would people be happy to have it rewritten to fit in with the numpy API in preference to the prehistoric numeric one (which went out like a decade ago?) (wider question) - does seem it would help out C++11 & Rob somewhat
Cheers Graeme
On 24 Apr 2018, at 21:40, Dr Robert Oeffner mailto:[email protected]> wrote:
Yes this must be there same issue. numpy_bridge.hpp is only 27 lines of code. But I think it takes confident C++ expert to rewrite it.
Sent from my Windows 10 phone
Robert Oeffner, Ph.D.
Research Associate, The Read Group
Department of Haematology,
Cambridge Institute for Medical Research
University of Cambridge
Cambridge Biomedical Campus
Wellcome Trust/MRC Building
Hills Road
Cambridge CB2 0XY
tel: +44(0)1223 763234
mobile: +44(0)7712 887162
From: [email protected]mailto:[email protected]
Sent: 24 April 2018 20:24
To: cctbx mailing listmailto:[email protected]
Subject: Re: [cctbxbb] scitbx without numpy - still supported?
HI Rob
I thought this rang a bell:
This same kind of issue?
Cheers Graeme
On 24 Apr 2018, at 17:43, Robert Oeffner mailto:[email protected]mailto:[email protected]> wrote:
I may be digressing here but my understanding is that newer versions of boost no longer contain the boost/python/numeric.hpp file and therefore the scitbx/array_family/boost_python/numpy_bridge.hpp cannot compile with newer versions of boost.
I'm making very tiny steps compiling with the VS2017 compiler on Windows which I believe is required for C++11 compliance. So far the problem seems that older versions of boost do not like this compiler and scitbx (or rather numpy_bridge.hpp) do not like newer versions of boost.
I guess that if numpy_bridge.hpp was adapted to not #include that would solve the problem.
On 24/04/2018 17:05, Nicholas Devenish wrote:
On Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 4:10 PM, Nicholas Sauter mailto:[email protected]mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected]> wrote:
It was always the intention to support flex arrays in the absence
of Numpy. If there is some refactoring to be done, this principle
should be preserved: that Numpy is an optional rather than
required dependency.
Good to know - some of this code seems a little crusty (and I've found a couple of bugs just trying to verify that it still works correctly).
Not sure about the wording in your second sentence. At the time
we developed flex, branching was not a code development mechanism
we used. Furthermore, not sure why you say Numpy is "exclusively"
used in the flex constructors? Certainly there are numerous flex
constructors that do not involve Numpy?
I meant a code branch e.g. "if", or a preprocessor "#ifdef" in this case.
I think I've gotten confused by some of the indirection in the class definitions - the top level only adds the numpy constructor, and then everything else is put in several levels down - and in some of my tests it looked like the numpy routine was mistakenly doing all of the construction (which ended in much the same results).
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Robert Oeffner, Ph.D.
Research Associate, The Read Group
Department of Haematology,
Cambridge Institute for Medical Research
University of Cambridge
Cambridge Biomedical Campus
Wellcome Trust/MRC Building
Hills Road
Cambridge CB2 0XY
tel: +44(0)1223 763234
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