On 09/08/12 18:36, Luc Bourhis wrote:
About the gold linker and libscitbx_boost_python. Thanks for keeping me up-to-date as I was not aware of those underlinking issues at all.
However… I have actually just realised I left out half of the phrase I wanted to write!
When something is linked to libscitbx_boost_python, it is always linked to libboost_python as well, which in turn is linked to libpythonx.y.so.
On the one hand, libboost_python.so on Linux (and libboost_python.dylib on MacOS X for the record) is not directly linked to libpythonx.y.so. On the other hand, libboost_python is only linked to Boost Python
on gentoo it is. # scanelf -n /usr/lib64/libboost_python-2.7.so TYPE NEEDED FILE ET_DYN libpython2.7.so.1.0,libpthread.so.0,libstdc++.so.6,libgcc_s.so.1,libc.so.6 /usr/lib64/libboost_python-2.7.so But we take very strongly care of correct linking, as we are support parallel installation of all python versions from 2.4-3.2 with all having their own boost_python-*.so
extensions that are loaded by Python at runtime, and then of course the Python exec is linked to libpythonx.y.so. So we first need to understand why the gold linker complains for libscitbx_boost_python but not for libboost_python or for any of the cctbx Boost Python extensions that directly use the Python API. I must admit I don't have a clue here. And then considering what you both told me, we need to fix the problem upstream.
For gold it was only a guess that we see chocking here, which I didn't tested yet. But I think we should try to ensure that libscitbx_boost_python and friends are correctly linked to libboost_python.so. This won't harm in best case and is required in worst case. And on gentoo as well as on all other distros which support multiple python ABIs to be installed, we need to ensure that the correct soname is recorded so that the correct python ABI version of libboost_python is loaded. thanks justin