My question is of a slightly different nature. Specifically, what type of "magic" is enabled by --boost-enable-threads in the latest release of cctbx that allows the libiotbx_pdb.so library to be linked correctly to a simple program when that linking includes the "-pthread" flag? By simple, I mean a program that has two lines in the main function -- reading the PDB file and constructing the hierarchy. My goal is to try to understand the dependencies and why the simple program would have a memory corruption when libiotbx_pdb.so was not compiled using --boost-enable-threads. --Jeff On 10/17/12 5:28 PM, Richard Gildea wrote:
Hi Jeff,
Boost.Threads support in the cctbx was removed back in August (http://phenix-online.org/pipermail/cctbxbb/2012-August/000468.html, http://cctbx.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/cctbx?view=revision&revision=15762). If you are using a recent copy of the sources then the libtbx configure command should raise an error if you pass the now defunct --enable-boost-threads option.