Hey there! Well I guess I say something even though I don't have much to say really. I've been contributing to CCTBX for the past 13 years, so I feel like this conversation is not too irrelevant to me to say the least. I don't have strong opinion about staying with svn vs moving to git. I routinely contribute to CCTBX (which is SVN-based) and I routinely contribute to my other activity - Q|R (Quantum Refinement, which is hosted by GitHub). I'm comfortable with both environments as I'm using only the minimal functionality of both: check in, check out, diff.. period. I'm not interested in branching/etc sophistication; this is just because the way I structure my workflow.. My current understanding is that moving CCTBX to use git boils down to: - actually someone doing it; AND - taking good proper responsible care of the aftermath (if any). So far no-one volunteered to embrace this challenge, as far as I know. In summary I think we should move to git, at least to follow the vector of progress. All the best, Pavel