On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 12:35 AM,
That said, a *separate* wiki with more of a how-to feel could be useful, however this has been mooted several times and not happened, I think because the activation energy is not trivial. The main resource – volunteers with useful knowledge and spare time – is in rather short supply.
I've started working on a (lengthy) newsletter article that would be a tutorial overview for beginners (with the assumption that they already know Python). At my current rate it will take years to complete, however. I do think it would be helpful if every time there are questions like this - including cases where we have to figure out the answer by trial and error - we add appropriate docstrings to the code. I've been doing this recently (and attempting to document my own code, which is a new experience), and it doesn't actually take very much time. -Nat