Hi Richard, I'm positive I did the most naïve thing (i.e. what a typical user would do) and 1. googled "cctbx" 2. clicked on the top hit (http://cctbx.sourceforge.net/) 3. clicked on downloads (http://cci.lbl.gov/cctbx_build/) 4. scrolled down to sources and clicked the first link (http://cci.lbl.gov/cctbx_build/results/2012_05_08_2305/cctbx_python_273_bund...) Note that the build tag (2012_05_08_2305) of the sources match the precompiled binaries. This tag also matches the most recent of the "Local build times" panel. I didn't notice the "Show unreleased builds" link, but I'm not sure it would have made much difference because it doesn't explain what those builds are. A helpful addition to the download page might be conspicuous instructions for an svn/git/hg/etc checkout of the "latest-greatest" development tree, if the sources are preferable to the released builds. Many projects support that mechanism of distribution. For some projects, like git itself (http://git-scm.com/downloads), this is the recommended way of acquiring the sources. If the package needs to be bundled into an archive, maybe there should be a conspicuous "nightly build" link. James On Mar 22, 2013, at 12:48 PM, Richard Gildea wrote:
Hi James,
Can I ask what version of the cctbx are you attempting to build? For some time (at least several months) it has been possible to build the cctbx (and the whole of Phenix) using the default clang on the latest Mac OS X. Most of the Phenix developers here in Berkeley are now using clang on the latest OS X, so someone would almost certainly notice immediately if something wasn't building correctly. The latest "released" build of the cctbx (dating from May 2012!) does not build with clang as I recall. Unfortunately we do not have an official release mechanism for the cctbx, beyond Nat deciding when to mark one of the nightly builds as a release. Clearly the current "released" version is rather old and we should replace it with a more recent version. For now I would recommend trying with one of the more recent nightly builds (e.g. http://cci.lbl.gov/cctbx_build/show_results.cgi?build_tag=2013_03_22_0005), or checking the code out directly from svn.
On 22 March 2013 03:36, Luc Bourhis
wrote: Hi James, 1. The default c++ compiler for OS X 10.7 is actually clang (``/usr/bin/c++``). Using clang exposes invalid template code. The first of many errors is::
In file included from /opt/cctbx/cctbx_sources/mmtbx/bulk_solvent/bulk_solvent_ext.cpp:7: /opt/cctbx/cctbx_sources/mmtbx/bulk_solvent/bulk_solvent.h:496:21: error: call to function 'r_factor' that is neither visible in the template definition nor found by argument-dependent lookup r.push_back(r_factor(f_obs, f_model.const_ref()));
we definitively need to fix that then. I'll give it a go over the weekend.
Best wishes,
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