Dear Colleagues
I may not have sent my previous message to the most appropriate email address. I now forward including the “” one. Is there anyone out there who can point me in the right direction?
Best Regards
From: McMeeking,
Robert (STFC,DL,SC)
Sent: 13 February 2016 12:18
To: [email protected]
Cc: McMeeking, Robert (STFC,DL,SC)
Subject: Problems with cctbx - Explore symmetry
Hello from the UK
I am currently experiencing problems with the Explore symmetry web service - When dealing with a particular Hall Symbol there is a cctbx runtime error (Malformed matrix symbol).
The symbol in question is: -R 3 2"c
It represents a setting for Space Group R -3 c :H (167)
I am practically certain this worked fine in the past. I suspect the problem may be related to parsing the double quote symbol. If I replace with a single quote it manages to run OK, but the output information is a non-standard setting
for Space Group 165.
By way of background:
I call the web service from my own CGI script and extract the symmetry operators that I need to display the crystal structure in question. The Hall symbol used is from the Crystallographic Open Database CIF (COD 2100992). I noticed the
problem very recently, but because I cache information it is not clear when the problem first appeared. I only need to go through this process when explicit symmetry operators are not present in the CIF in question. I have not, as yet, installed the cctbx
system on our server.
Inoticed the problem when using our CrystalWorks system to attempt to display entries from the Crystallography365 Project
Best Regards
Dr R.F. McMeeking
Honorary Scientist
STFC Chemical Database Service at Daresbury