Hi Nat,

I just wanted to say thanks for making the transfer, and to report that it was painless for me (I waited a week before saying so, just to be sure).


-- David

On 10 March 2013 18:57, Nathaniel Echols <nechols@lbl.gov> wrote:
As promised, the CCTBX SourceForge site has been migrated to their new
backend.  I am still not sure exactly what this means, but there are
two practical changes:

1) The SVN URL has changed - it used to be
http://cctbx.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/cctbx.  Now we have several

svn checkout --username=natechols
svn+ssh://natechols@svn.code.sf.net/p/cctbx/code/trunk cctbx_project
svn checkout --username=natechols
https://svn.code.sf.net/p/cctbx/code/trunk cctbx_project
svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/cctbx/code/trunk cctbx_project

The last one is read-only; for the others, replace "natechols" with
your SourceForge ID.  The old repository is now read-only, so you will
need to do a completely new checkout before you can commit any changes
you make.

Hopefully this will cause minimal disruption; I will change the
nightly builds ASAP.

2) As requested, we now have a wiki (completely empty right now):


Feel free to start populating this - if you would like to contribute
and don't have access, sign up for a SourceForge account and email me
your user ID.

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